Maybe he will-Lee

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I pull the brand new gray and black shirt over my head and straighten it down around me.

Looking into the mirror of my bathroom, I see the dark rings under my eyes. They always stand out against my pale skin. I look like a vampire.

I also see the way the shirt hangs loosely around my frame like there is nothing to me. I guess its true. There isn't body wise or anything else. There is nothing to me. I'm simply a ghost of what I once was.

I grimace and shake the thoughts away and  grab my comb and run it though my long straight black hair until it hangs around my face the way I like it.

Looking into the mirror one last time my eyes catch on the scar running across my cheek. Just another thing to remind me of the day that my parents were stolen from me by some drunken idiot. Just another thing to haunt my days like everything else in the twisted, sad thing I call my life.

Leaving the scars and shutting my mind off to those things once again, I leave the bathroom and enter my trashed bedroom.

It has a black and white walls; a black and white bed and a black and white paintings. Black and white everything. Just like how I see life.

There's either life or death. Nothing in between. Just the misrible silence of being alive but living in the black.

Shaking my head, I leave my room and walk down the overpriced stair case and into the kitchen were Kyle and Maria sit with my breakfast ready. Or as I should put it my birthday day breakfast.

"Happy birthday Lee!" My adopted brother, Carl, shouts.

I flinch away from the loud noise. Ever since the accident, I've been noise jumpy. I can't stand loud music, movies, car horns anything. I try to keep my heart calm.

I simply nod my head to him. He's seventeen. A year older than me but he acts like a fifteen year old.

You'd think we'd get along but we don't...well maybe that's because I don't speak. Ever.

He smiles tight lipped back at me and leaves the room in silence. I inwardly sigh and shake my head again and look toward my 'Parents'.

My parents get up to give me hugs as I stride toward them. I stop a couple of feet away from them looking at them wearily.

It's the same thing every year. They try to get me to speak. I refuse. It breaks their hearts. I speak a little they smile then I go to school ...but something about this seems like it might be different. Maybe he'll keep his promise.

"Happy Birthday Lee," Maria says quietly with a soft smile. She knows how I get about noises and for that I'm thankful.

"Thanks," I reply quietly. Her blue eyes light up and I see her clutch Kyle's arm tightly at me responding so easily but in reality that felt like knives.

"Lee, we've got you something to show you," I turn my attention to Kyle. He's looking at me carefully like I might snap or break.

I nod my head slowly and walk toward them.

Sitting around the edge of the table, where I couldn't see, is girl with blond hair and bright green eyes. She smiles at me brightly and stands up.

"Hi Lee," She says. "I'm Harmony." 

I give her and my parents an odd look. I'm completely confused but something about her seems important.

"I thought you might want to see your brother," She says softly and I snap toward her. Not believing what I'm hearing.  She didn't just say what I thought. She couldn't have, but my drumming heart tells me different.

"What?" I say weakly. I clear my throat and try again. "What did you just say?"

I hear muffle gasped from my parents as I step around them to step closer to Harmony.

"Do you know my brother?" I ask. She smiles and nods at me.

My whole world stops and I grab the table to keep from loosing composer.

This can't be real I think. Life can't be this good, but as I look at Harmony  I realize just how real this is.

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