Ships + Choose Opinion Pt1

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5/3 You are a killing machine against non-shippers. No explanation needed.

4/3 You are protective over your ship and will fight anyone who disagrees

3/3 You love it, and you want it to be 100% canon

2/3 Neutral

1/3 Not really a supporter

0/3 You dislike it.

-1/3 You hate it

-2/3 You are gonna cause worldwide destruction

I hope no one is 5/3 or -2/3

Qinter (Winter x Qibli)

Winterwatcher (Winter x Moon)

Moonbli (Qibli x Moon)

Blicket (Blue x Cricket)

Glorybringer (Glory x Deathbringer)

Ripnami (Riptide x Tsunami)

Clearstreak (Clearsight x Sunstreak)

Glornami (Glory x Tsunami)

Whirlnami (Whirlpool x Tsunami)

Fathigo (Fathom x Indigo)

Darksight (Darkstalker x Clearsight)

Cleril (Peril x Clay)

Bludew (Blue x Sundew)

Lunatail (Swordtail x Luna)

Turtlejou (Turtle x Kinkajou)

Turtlewatcher (Turtle x Moon)

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