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Harsh wind battered the exterior of Polly's house causing those inside to hear a drumming noise made by the wind. Anastasia sat on the sofa which sat opposite the burning fire. Playing with fire was something Anastasia had done all of her life, both literally and metaphorically, it interested her, the way fire moved and the way it could destroy things within seconds. The cup of tea that sat in Anna's hands sent waves of warm steam into her face as she thought about her family. Although she had never felt loved by any of them except her brother David, she felt bad that they wouldn't know where she was right now, if she was home with them now she would be would be helping David train the horses. A wave of emotion hit her, she loved training the horses with David, it was the only time she ever felt wanted by anybody as he much appreciated her help and company.

Anna mother only ever wanted to marry Anna off to some rich family in the country and her father agreed that the young girl needed 'taming' and that marrying her off would be good for her. Thankfully David stopped the whole ordeal from going ahead and saved his sister from a life of childbearing and being taught how to be the perfect wife. He knew that his sister wouldn't last long in that sort of situation, the normal life for a woman was never going to right for her. As much as he hated the work that she did he knew it kept her occupied.

Michael Gray stood in the doorway of the sitting room watching Anastasia as the fire added a red glow to her face as he saw a single tear roll down her emotionless face. This was new to him, he didn't know how to deal with women that were so similar to the men of the peaky blinders, she was just like Tommy, stone cold never held any regrets over anything they did as they had their own reasoning for their actions. They didn't let people see when they felt pain which gave the impression of them being so strong and being trusted by everyone. But it had its faults, they had to deal with everything they felt on their own and often didn't know how to actually express their feelings when the came. Michael was used to men like this, not women. Girls normally fell at his feet and gave him all the attention that he'd ever need but Anna wasn't doing this. She was a mystery to him and he wanted to figure her out. 

Anastasia wiped the tear away quickly before whispering to herself to pull herself together before she stood up to go and walk out of the room spotting Michael stood in the doorway, immediately wanting to know how long he was there. The dimly lit room defined his strong features, his eyes appeared to be cold with not much behind them.

"You do know that you'll have to talk to me properly eventually rather than small talk," Michael said still lent against the door with his arms folded.

"Of course I know that but I don't feel as if that time is now," Anna said looking away from him.

"Why not, I mean you live in this house with me and my mother and you only really talk to her, don't you feel the slightest bit lonely? I couldn't be able to cope without talking to someone around my age..." Michael questioned.

"I'm not used to people wanting to actually talk to me, the world becomes a lonely place when you have to live like that but you get used to it, so I apologise for not being very talkative to you Michael," Anna said folding her arms and looking at him, she did feel bad for not talking to him, she lived in his house and they hardly talked.

"Don't worry about it but you should probably start to fix that as there's going to be a lot of people wanting to talk to you" He replied with a smirk.

Polly rushed downstairs saying that she was going to go to visit Ada and she'd be back in the morning. Michael saw this chance to get close to Anna and make her like the other women around him. The door slammed shut and Michael moved towards the kitchen where Anastasia was stood pouring herself a glass of whisky and asking him if he wanted one, in which he replied that he would.

They sat at the table and engaged in a proper conversation for the first time, Anna spoke to him with a cigarette in her mouth, the smell of whisky and cigarettes filling the room. Michael was learning more about Anastasia and saw this as his chance to win her over, he moved his head closer to hers as he lent in to kiss her which led to Anna immediately moving away from him standing up with her arms wrapped around herself, confused as why he thought that she would be that easy. 

"What do you think you're doing Michael" Anna whispered angrily trying not to grab the maids attention.

"What do you fucking think," He said standing up embarrassed and angry that she wouldn't even let him kiss her.

"I hardly fucking know you why on earth did you think that would work..." She said getting more agitated every second.

"Well you seem like a sort of whore, you must have whored at one point in your life I mean look at you," Michael said smugly.

"How charming Mr Gray and no I am no whore, good fucking night to you," She said pouring and drinking another glass of whisky before moving past him and going up to her room.

Michael was overly embarrassed he grabbed his coat off of the hanger and left the house locking the door behind him before walking into town to find a lady of the night so he could entertain himself. He quickly found a middle-aged woman that practically threw herself onto him saying how her prices were cheap for how 'experienced' she was. Michael led the woman back to the house, unlocking the door and leading her up to his room. Polly wasn't in so he could basically do as he pleased. The room was soon full of heavy breathing and lust as one thing led to another.

Anastasia covered her head with a pillow as she heard the horrible noises coming from the room next to hers hoping that she would soon suffocate and die so she didn't have to hear it anymore. Eventually, the noise became too unbearable so Anna slipped down the stairs in her nightwear and her silk gown so she could smoke and have some whisky in peace without hearing Michael doing his business. Anna lit the fire in the kitchen letting it heat up the room as she decided to make herself some food. 

A short while later Michael came downstairs looking pleased with himself. His hair was ruffled and his shirt buttons were undone, the woman following him had the same look as he showed her out. Upon closing the front door he looked into the kitchen seeing Anna's figure outlined by the fireplace in front of her as she smoked and drank whisky.

He made his way over to Anna and stood behind her.

"I hope we weren't too loud," Michael said proud of himself and laughing

"Well you were and please get away from me I do not want to be catching the clap from you Michael" Anna replied laughing as Michael looked offended and made his way to his room.

A Lonely Place / Michael Gray / Peaky BlindersWhere stories live. Discover now