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Ada had been popping up to Tommy's house to give him updates on somethings and to offer a little bit of company to Anna. Today the rest of the family were visiting and Tommy had made it very clear to Ada and Anna that he wanted to see Michael and Polly and then John and Arthur. They couldn't be seen together as the legal business now overruled the illegal business, it was making more money now anyway. Only 10% of the Shelby company was now illegal, a massive success.

"Ada we gotta keep Tom off the whisky, he's gone through ten jars this week alone..." Anna said in concern.
"Agreed. But all Tommy seems to do nowadays is drink whisky and go camping, we'd be taking away half of his livelihood"

Before Anna could reply the doors opened and Polly, Michael, John and Arthur walked into the house.
Michael immediately walked over to Anna pulling her into an embrace and kissing her lightly. They hadn't seen each other in over three weeks now due to both of them being so far away from each other.
"Where the fuck is he then," Arthur said fiddling with his cap in hand.
"Out on the horse he'll be back soon" Anna replied waving him away.

John and Arthur then put themselves in the kitchen to drink whisky only moments later Tommy waltz in with his head faced down as he walked into his office without saying a word.

Michael and Polly went in to see Tommy and came out and everything seemed to go smoothly. Then John and Arthur went in and all hell seemed to break loose. The sound of John's raised voice was followed quickly by Tommy shouting aggressively. Anna shook her head and wondered what the boys did to make Tommy about like that. They should understand as his brother's about the pain he is going through right now.

Anna and Michael had been talking about unimportant things whilst Michael played with Anna's hands.
Everyone made their way into the kitchen once John and Arthur came out of Tommy's office. After Anastasia scolding them and sending them walking off to the kitchen like a dog with its tail between its legs.
Anna was about to walk off herself before Tommy called her in.

"What do you need Thomas?" Anna asked him calmly.
" I'm taking Charlie and going to Wales"
"Fine by me, will you be coming back?"
"Yes I will be, but Anna I need you to do something for me"
"Sure Tom what is it?"
"After everything that's happened these past weeks I need you to spend more time with Michael, I can tell that he's feeling unwanted as you're here looking after me, well don't do that anymore, dedicate more time to him because you don't know what's going to happen and you'll regret it if you don't..." Tommy took a big gulp of air before pressing his hands to his desk and looking up to push the tears back into his head. " just do it okay, right I'm goin'"
"Alright Tom, have a good time in Wales, I'll take it that I'll tell them lot in there and you'll leave a note?" Anna smirked making Tommy smile knowing that she was right. Anastasia nodded her head towards Tommy and leaving the room. The door clicking behind her.

- - - - - - -

It was now later on in the evening, Tommy had left the house but the Shelby's and Anna were staying the night. Anna sat at Tommy's desk writing some letters and filling in paperwork that he had asked her to do. Anna's ears shot up as she noticed the house was deadly quiet. Deciding she would go and find Michael Anna shrugged on her blazer and shoving a cigarette in her mouth after drinking the last of her whisky.
Her steps echoed around the halls and she made her way into the back of the house seeing a fire kit outside she decided that is probably where Michael and the boys were.
She pushed open the door and walked over to them. To her horror and amusement, Michael was holding a gun to John's head. Anna walked closer and closer making sure what she was seeing was real.
"Michael fucking Gray out that gun down now" Anna joked around lighting herself another cigarette.
Michael turned around and pointed the gun to Anna's head. She looked right into his eyes. Michael saw no fear in Anna's eyes. Not a single ounce. He lowered the gun.
"You seem to raise a gun more than these two so what can't I?"
" because Michael you are the accountant "
Anna turned around and walked back towards the house. She got up to her room and undressed until she was sat at the window in a dark room wearing only a shirt and underwear. A cigarette hanging from her lips. She was getting frustrated with Michael. One minute he loved her and the next he was holding a gun to her head.
Michael tiptoed up the stairs towards his and Anna's room. He opened the door slowly exposing the moonlit room illuminating Anna's face. He couldn't have pictured a sight anymore perfect as this one.

Anna hasn't heard him come in as she was so trapped in her own thoughts, the moment she knew of his presence was when soft kisses were planted along the side of her neck. Anna turned to face Michael.
"What are you doing?" Anna asked questioningly raising an eyebrow "half an hour ago you were pointing a gun at my fucking head and now you're here kissing my neck, decide what  you want Michael because by God it is tiring trying to keep up."

The soft kisses returned once more this time holding more lust than the last. It was now very clear what Michael wanted. And what he wanted. He got. Once innocent kisses turned into something so much for, filled with passion and desire for each other. The two had layed together for the first time in their year and a half kind marriage. It was everything Michael wanted and more and the same could be said for Anna. The two panted after the act and stared at the ceiling.
After a moment of quiet contemplation, Michael pulled Anna into an embrace and there they fell asleep together.

A Lonely Place / Michael Gray / Peaky BlindersWhere stories live. Discover now