Chapter 5 - Road Trip

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Miles woke suddenly, in a strange and foreign place. He really needed to stop waking up like that. He was laying on a hard bed, staring up at a white ceiling. It was cold.

"Oh no," he thought to himself. "Not this again."

He was back in the room he had seen the night before. Nothing seemed real in the room. It was as if he was in one of those movies where they put a very creepy blue filter over everything. Miles jumped as he noticed someone beside him. It was the hand of a Chinese man who was sitting in the white chair beside him. The man had a faint smile, kind eyes, and worrisome eyebrows.
Miles relaxed a little bit as the man grabbed an item from the table but his relaxation didn't last long. The man had grabbed a syringe! No, no, no. Miles had seen this before. He didn't much mind needles, but he didn't care for a mysterious one in some odd room.

As the man pulled the syringe closer to Miles' arm, Miles shoved at the man to try to get him to back off. What happened next was very strange. Stranger than anything about the room. Miles' arm went straight through the man's chest! It was like the man was a ghost. Or, maybe Miles was the ghost. Nevertheless, the needle still came towards Miles until it hit.


"Wake up already, we don't have forever!" a voice came from the downstairs of the cabin.

Miles sat up and started to get dressed. Last night he had shared a room with Caspar, who seemed to still be knocked out cold. They had both just slept in sleeping bags as the bed in the room smelled too much like urine for either of them to sleep on. Miles kicked Caspar's bag to try to get him up and save Lancaster and Dawn some yelling, both of whom were already up.

"Right, right," mumbled Caspar in response. "Getting up..."

Miles finished getting dressed. He would have brushed his teeth or taken a shower but the water in the cabin was mostly muck and where was he going to find a tooth brush or soap?

"Move quickly!" Lancaster reminded from below. "We gotta go soon! You can shower later!"

"Quickly!" Caspar smiled and sat up. "Now that, I can do!"

In a split second, Caspar stood in the doorway, holding his clothes.

"How'd you do that?" Miles asked.

"Teleportation. It comes in handy, but I haven't quite mastered it, see," he explained. "Sometimes I'll miscalculate and end up in the wrong place. One time it was the women's restroom, that was awkward."

Caspar put on his clothes and they made their way down stairs and into a dark car.

"Where exactly are we going?" Miles asked, sitting in the back with Caspar while Dr. Lancaster and Dawn get in the front of the car.

"The academy," replied Lancaster simply. "To train you."

They rode in silence, other than the occasional crunch of Caspar's Doritos.

"Err, Lancaster? Mr. Lancaster? Dr. Lancaster?" Miles said, fumbling for the right works.

"Just call 'em Doc," said Caspar.

"Doc will do," Lancaster gave in. "What is it, Miles?"

"How can I do what I can do? Why do I have this strength?" It was something he had been wondering about all last night.

"That's a good question, Miles," was the only response.

Caspar leaned over to Miles, "He won't tell us. All we can do is guess."

"You know, don't you?" Dawn chimed in, addressing Dr. Lancaster. "You know why we're like this. I can feel it."

"Don't read my emotions please, Dawn," Lancaster replied gently.

"Then tell us why we have these powers," pressed Miles. "I mean, is what you're doing even legal?"

Lancaster merely peered at Miles through his front seat mirror. "What we are trying to accomplish at the academy is out of the government's hands. If they were any the wiser about you kids, you would be locked away, or maybe worse, I don't know. The people, and the government, even, always lean in favor to something familiar. The Necron Syndicate is a well-known organization, some branches are even in association with the government," Lancaster stopped, realizing he was talking to three teenagers. "What I'm trying to say is, Necron would take control of the situation, which wouldn't end well. We're on our own for this."

Everyone was quiet for a second, then, "Just us?" Miles had asked.

"There are more people at the academy, plus the staff there. Other than that, yes."

"We're not going to win this war then, are we?"

"I'm not talking about war, here, kid," explained Lancaster. "Not yet, anyways. Right now we just need to disappear, let them lose interest in you kids. But if worse comes to worse, you need to be prepared."

"Why don't we just attack them, chief?" Caspar spoke up. "We're ready."

Lancaster smiled, "None of you can even comprehend what you are capable of. But someday, you will be ready. For whatever may come. And it may never even come to any of this. But it's best to be prepared, yeah?"

Dawn nodded, satisfied with this answer. Caspar shrugged and looked out the window. Miles stared down at the floor of the car, thinking about what had just been said. It sounded like he was going to some sort of boot camp school. Training to be a soldier for a possible war. Life was changing so fast, and Miles had no idea what to do. He had half a mind to jump out of the car and just run. Where to, he had no idea, but he could keep running. But that would never work. He was safer for now right where he was. Two other seemingly nice kids and a dude who looked like he could definitely kick some. And he could leave at any time, it wasn't like his life was changing forever. Just a temporary thing, right...? Wrong.

Chapter 5 - Road Trip
March 22, 2019

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