Winter's kiss

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Meet me tonight, near the lake.


        Well, that was a awfully strange letter that had been shoved into your book bag. It was signed simply D.M, you knew who it was but normally both you and Draco didn't sneak around. There was no reason for games like this, both of you were about seventeen years old, both in the same house, and both yourself and Draco hailed from pureblood families. The friendship between the two of you had been strained over the years, but in the last few months it had grown into...Well, you weren't really sure but it had grown into something that you rather enjoyed. You were never going to tell him just how you felt, that wouldn't do. He no doubt would leave you behind once Hogwarts was gone, once the Dark Lord had risen to power...You knew what Draco was, you saw the mark burned onto his arm everytime the two of you would have a night to yourselves. With a sigh, you ran a hand through your hair, a frown touching your lips as you tossed your book bag onto the twin sized bed in the dorm that was shared with a few other girls. Crumpling the letter up you tossed it into the bin before changing out of the school robes and into something much more comfy. A pair of grey skinny jeans, a somewhat bulky sweater. Tan winter boots with brown and silver fur at the top and a white winter coat with fur around the hood. Pulling on a pair of green and silver gloves you reached for a pink knitted hat that had fake pearls glued to it. Stuffing it onto your head you left the dorms and the castle, waving and speaking here and there with some friends before finally make it towards the lake. You had only nearly slipped once or twice, your thighs throbbing in protest from the coldness of the winter wonderland that was around you. Pulling the hood up a bit on the coat you turned in a circle, hoping to spot Draco. He normally wasn't hard to spot in the winter, not at all. It helped that he wore all black and seemed to die at the thought of pulling a cap over his head in the winter. He could be rather vain, and mean...But there was something that drew you to him as it had done all of your life. 

"Draco!" You called out, keeping your voice low but it still echoed around before the voice of Draco echoed it back towards you. "What an ass..." Stomping off towards the large boulder he had hidden behind to escape the wind from the lake you stood in front of him. Looking like an oversized marshmallow. Standing there hands shoved into pockets you moved a bit closer to him, a frown touching your lips as he just stared at you as if you had came from Mars.

"A little cold there, (Y/N)." You nodded your head in answer to his question, wondering why he had asked you to come out in a near blizzard...If it was just to ask that question, well you would knock him into one of the snow banks tomorrow on the way to class. "Well...I bet i could fix that." How was he going to fix that? It seemed that you were slightly slow on the uptake as you pulled back as he reached for the scarf that you had wrapped around your face, trying to protect your nose and cheeks from the wind. Exposing your now freezing mouth you frowned at him, only to let out a soft mouse like sound as he kissed. His lips moving over yours in a way that two long time lovers would know each others bodies. Soon enough you returned the kiss, a smile on your lips as you felt his tongue running across your bottom lip, as if asking permission to enter your mouth. Draco never asked, he simply took but before the kiss could deepen, you pulled away, and were rather quick to pull the scarf back up. 

"What are you doing?" Snapping off the question you looked around yourself, hadn't he himself told you that he didn't want others to know that he and you were dating? That in the long run you were a weakness to him? Now, here he was outside of a hidden room kissing you. Was he going crazy? He still hadn't been called away by the Dark Lord, or maybe he was? Maybe this was what the hidden meeting was for...Why the kiss was public? A spark of anxiety burned within your breast as you looked at his pale face, your own eyes growing large before you flung yourself at him. Smashing him into the boulder before he had a chance to steady himself. Your arms wrapped tightly around his torso, your head resting on his chest. 

"Calm down, it's ok." It was this reason, the softness and tenderness that Draco showed you...That was the reason why you loved him, why you shrugged off what your friends said about him. That he was evil, mean, and all around shit of a person. He wasn't, not when he was alone and with you, he was tender, loving, and caring. He felt as if he had make a wall around himself and the world he had told you that countless times and you took it as the truth for it was the truth. "I'm not going anywhere...I promise. I'm staying here...I'll always be here. Look at me, (Y/N)." He pulled you away from him, and tilted your head upwards forcing you to look at him. The scarf falling from around your face. "I promise, I promise I will always protect you...I don't want to lose you...You are mine and I am yours...Forever." He whispered to you, pulling you in for an even tighter embrace. "I don't care who knows it, I was wrong...You are not a weakness...You are my strength."

Stay tuned for more! 

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