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It has been a couple days since the incident with Riley and it made us closer, appreciate each other more but we still don't know what to do we would like help from the fans we just don't know how to approach them.

I am currently next to riley on his porch swing rocking back and forth he's holding me close and tight to keep me warm because we're both too lazy to get a blanket. It makes me realize that these are the moments I'm going to miss.

"We should just say it straight out and tell them" He said

"No riley it's sort of wrong and selfish" I said

"I'm starting to think that you don't want to stay in Florida" I punched him in the arm "i was kidding"

I sighed "we have to get ready for the fundraiser"


"C'mon it will be alright"

"Fine but as soon as i'm done i'm coming straight over"


I went straight to my bedroom and got ready. I curled my hair and had a water fall braid on the side. ( the outfit is in the pic above) with black heals and fake diamond earrings and the L and R necklace which was like attached to my body. I finally finished and opened the door to my bedroom and saw riley leaning at the door way with a suit and tie his tie was red he was holding a small box.

"Riley what are you doing." I asked

"I told you that i'd be right here when i was done are you done" he said

"Yes i am"

"Alright lets go"

"What's the rush"

"No reason "

He held out his hand so we could go so we went and it was tine to mabey lose the love of my life or not.

We stepped into the building and it was gorgeous sparkling lights glowing
everywhere. The threatening board that was counting the money it was still low. Riley looked at me with a comforting smile and gently rubbed my back in a circular motion.
Sydney came i could see her across the room waving frantically she looked gorgeous curly hair and a pastel purple dress.

" Don't worry everything will be okay"

she said i looked at her strangely

"Riley i know what you did" i said

"What did i do" he asked

"You convinced your fans"

"Um thats a yes slash no just watch"

He then left to go to stage and said
"Hello, everyone well today is a charity ball as you all know but to me it's more then that it's fate saying that i might lose the one...... not do to illness or fact it's more like i will lose the one that i," he swallowed " the one i love she is so important to me you might think it's selfish and it does sound like that but i love her that amazing girl over there in the white and black dress looking irresistible that i can't contain myself not just in that outfit but in general i am in love with Lauren Taylor so much so that i have created this song and this presentation that you will see."

A screen came down with a projector playing moments of us together all the simple moments that i never thought he recorded me playing the piano and then him joining in, he tickling me, down to even getting Starbucks. My eyes started to water Several tears streaming down my face and I also loved him he could be my best friend.

"So," he continued "i hope you will donate and save i and the one that i love but also the charity.... thank you for your time " then he walked off from stage toward me and i went up to kiss him and we kissed it was different a kiss that was so passionate nothing else mattered but that moment. Then i heard several beeps we break the kiss because i'm sure he heard the same thing the board was rising more then ever it looked like it was going to break and everyone was staring at riley and I

So I guess it did turn out that i got to stay in Florida after all. 

so thats it. its over then end I'm glad i finished thank you for sticking to the end if you did my apologies for taking so long high school blah blah blah it sucks but yeah hoped you liked it
unrelated to this one but happy holidays yeah. Baiiiiii

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