Chapter 5

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Another few weeks go by, and both Jay and Mouse get into a routine at the rehab, and even have a bit of free time in between therapy, and group sessions. Jay goes to the facility's gym whenever he can, and Mouse goes to the computer lab doing things that Jay doesn't quite understand. Every once in a while, Jay convinces Mouse to go to the gym too. Today is one of those days.

Jay's spotting Mouse while he's doing chest presses.

"You know I'd feel a lot better if you were actually paying attention to the bar."

"I am paying attention."

"Bullshit." Mouse says quietly, as he sets the bar on the hooks that hold it in place on the rack. He then sits up, and takes a sip of his water.

"You haven't been able to truly focus on anything since that night you snuck out of here. Which is also around the last time that either of us have heard from a certain green eyed beauty." Mouse adds as he switches spots with Jay.

"That is quite the theory, you've concocted there Mouse." Jay says, with a chuckle, as he lifts the bar off the rack.

"You know I'm right." Mouse says, and Jay just finishes his set.

"No you're not." Jay says when he's done.

"Whatever happened that night, you shouldn't have pushed her away Jay. You can't push everyone away." Mouse says next, and Jay moves on to the treadmills.

"We don't even know each other Mouse."

"You didn't give her a chance to get to know you."

"I don't want her to get to know me, nothing good will come of it."

"Either you call her, or I will for you."

"Yeah right, you'll call her? The only time you talk to women is when you're either drunk or high, which I know you are neither."

"I preferred to talk to them drunk or high, but that doesn't mean that I can't talk to them when I'm not." Mouse defends

"Sure." Jay says with an eye roll, as he starts running a little faster, wanting this conversation to end.


A couple hours later, while Jay is with his group, Mouse goes to the phone in hall closest to their room. He looks around him, before dialing the number written down on the little scrap of paper. It rings a few times before she picks up.

"Lindsay." She says into the phone.

"Hey, uh Ms. Lindsay this is Mouse, well you know me as Greg, I think, but you can call me Mouse if you-" He begins to ramble nervously.

"You can call me Erin, and is everything ok, Mouse?"

"Yeah, um well I guess. I was calling to ask you to come talk to Jay."

"Oh, he told you to call me?"

"Not exactly." Mouse says honestly.

"Ok, well it was nice hearing from you, but-"

"Look I don't know what happened between you guys, but-" He says, and Erin sighs, and thinks for a moment.

"Nothing happened."

"Right, well then you shouldn't have a problem coming to see him, right?" He says, and she huffs.

"He doesn't need or want my help Mouse, he made that clear, so I'm respecting his wishes and leaving him alone." She says back.

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