Second try

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The next morning, Regina woke up with the thought of Robin's warm lips upon hers. Not that she wanted to think of him but she couldn't help it. What was so special with this man that she can't get rid of him?

She'd let him kiss her, for god's sake.

His hands on her waist and that warm strong body being so close to her... it had made her feel so good.

But that was a huge mistake. A huge mistake that was never going to happen again. She couldn't open herself up again; after Daniel's death her walls were up against this kind of relationship.

But this man... she couldn't deny he made her feel something, and that is exactly what scared the hell out of her.

She breathed out deeply and made her way to the bathroom. She needed a cold shower. And she needed to stop thinking about him.

When Robin woke up, the first thing on his mind was her. That beautiful strong sassy Queen who was the first to make him feel something after Marian's death.

He had wondered why everyone kept calling her 'the Evil Queen'. From his angle she was not so evil. Actually, she was not evil at all… bold and audacious, yes, but not evil.

He heard many stories about the Evil Queen but the woman he'd kissed last night was not her. When he looked in her eyes, he could see the broken woman underneath, the woman who was always trying to hide her emotions under bitchy attitude.

Suddenly, he wanted to see her. But not just now, forever. He wanted to see her all the time. He wanted her lips, her eyes, her body, her soul, he wanted all of her.

Without giving it much thought, he got up, his feet automatically leading him to Regina's chamber. His raised his hand to knock but paused mere centimeters from the heavy wood. What was he doing? What would he say to her?

He didn't have an answer. All he knew was that he needed to see her. Desperately.

Regina was just about ready to head off for breakfast when she heard a knock on her door.

"Who is it?" She asked sharply. It was probably Snow, as always, sticking her nose in and making sure she was going down for something to eat.

"Milady it's me. Can I come in?" a strongly accented voice replied. She'd recognize this perfect voice anywhere.


"What do you want?" she asked, even sharper than before.

Robin opened the door without her permission, letting himself in. Obviously the thief was feeling brave.

"Did I let you in?" before Robin could even think about replying she had answered her own question; "I don't think I did. So make yourself useful, and leave me alone."

"I apologize milady; I just wanted to make sure that you were alright, since you were upset yesterday," Robin said in a calm tone.

"Do you value your life, thief? You are in my chamber without my permission, I could end your life right here," Regina said angrily, her usual habit of attack being the best defense kicking in.

"Oh, you are not going to do that, your Majesty; your threats don't work on me. I just thought that you owed me an apology," he said with a grin on his face as he started walking towards her.

"What?" Regina barked. She owed an apology to him? Regina Mills didn't give out apologies to anyone. And even if she did, she did not owe one to this damned thief.

"You called me an idiot yesterday," he said with a smirk.

"Because you are one. Now get out, thief, before I throw a fireball at your head and roast you."

Robin didn't buy her act for one second; "Your Majesty, stop this. I'm not afraid of you." With tentative steps, Robin closed some of the distance between them. If he reached out to her his hands could reach her shoulders, could slide down her arms to grab her hands. But he didn't. he gave her time, lest he end up infuriating the Queen further.

"Look, obviously you're not listening to me. But if you don't want anything else, you better leave because so help me I am losing my patience incredibly quickly," she said, averting her gaze from his blue eyes and dimples and irresistible lips, trying to calm herself somewhat.

God, he's infuriating, the Queen thought. Why was he so close? She wanted to grab and kiss him but such behavior was not acceptable and so she held herself back.

"Actually, milady, there is something else I want," he said with a smirk.

Regina let out an annoyed huff, "and what would that be?" she asked sharply.

"You. I want you."

With this, the thief grasped Regina's face in his palms and placed his lips on hers leaving the Queen with no time to resist.

Robin's lips were on hers but it was not enough; he needed more. He flicked his tongue out to lick her lips, trying to enter her mouth. Her lips parted and a low moan escaped from his lips. Leaning his head to the left, he deepened the kiss. The outlaw kissed her hungrily, his hands placed in her hair to hold her close, exactly where he needed her.

When they broke the kiss for air, Regina opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off.

"Please, don't say anything." And with this, his lips were on hers once again. His hands on her waist and her hands wrapped around his neck. This kiss softer and slower that the previous one, but it bothered neither of them.

Regina's heart was beating so fast he could feel it through his shirt. The Queen herself couldn't think of anything other than the lips on hers so she just carried on kissing him more and more.

Once they had finally broken the kiss, none of them spoke for a while. perfectly content to just hold each other close and gaze into each other's eyes. Robin's thumb brushed Regina's cheek and there was a bright smile on his face.

"You are so beautiful," he said calmly.

"Thank you," she said, trying to escape his touch, his affection making her uncomfortable. But of course, the thief didn't let her.

"No, this time you are not going anywhere, your Majesty." He declared, pulling her close. "Why are you trying to push everyone away? There are people who care about you here."

"I don't want to talk about that," she said and her gaze was low.

"Ok, I'm not going to push you, but if you want someone to talk to... I'm here," he said in a serious tone. He wanted desperately to see this woman happy. He brought his hand to lift her chin, to make her look at him, and gave her the most reassuring smile he could muster. "I'm right here."

And with that he leaned to kiss her one more time but she disappeared in purple smoke'.

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