Stay awake for me 2

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Robin shook her desperately, screaming heartfelt shouts of "no!" as he jostled her with the hope of seeing her open her eyes again. He yelled "Regina!" His voice cracking and breaking as tears pooled in his eyes. 

Regina moaned and stirred, her lashes fluttering before Robin saw those beautiful brown eyes again. He let out a long sigh of relief. 

''You are not going to die on me, Regina.'' he  yelled. 

She couldn't die. She had no right to come in his life, make him happier than he could even remember feeling and then just not be there anymore. He loved her, he needed her. His life was not worth living without her anymore. 

''You can't die, you can't leave me  Regina'' he demanded, his hands cradling her face close to his. ''I need you... Please''. 

''Robin, I can't fight it anymore,'' Regina confessed, her trembling voice so full of pain that Robin could barely hear her. 

''You can!'' he urged, ''because I can't lose you.'' 

The mere thought of a future without Regina had Robin's heart clenching and his soul wilting. ''This isn't 'it' for us Regina; I want to have a family with you. I want us to have kids. I want... Everything with you.'' 

Lately, whenever Robin had imagined a future, it had always been with Regina, and although he had his boy, his wonderful, perfect Roland, he had always pictured someone else, a perfect mix of him and Regina, someone who he would look at and see their mother. 

He had meant to bring it up with her, but he could never seem to find the right moment.

But after this, he knew; there was no right moment for these things. When your love is strong, there is no other option. One has to seize the day because every day is unpredictable. Especially around Regina. 

If the love between two people is strong, being honest is always for the best. And Robin was sure, that their love was much more than strong.

Regina's eyes widened and Robin smiled. This was it. His smile turned into a comforting grin, his hands  still stroking her cheeks.  

For this moment Regina tried to ignore the sharp pain she felt in almost every part of her body and focus on Robin, because she couldn't actually believe the words that had just come out of his mouth.

''You want to have kids with me?'' she asked in disbelief. Her voice still just a hoarse whisper.

Robin smiled and kissed her again ''Yes, I want everything with you, just stay awake for me, ok?''

Regina smiled for a moment, before her face contorted in agony and a scream was ripped from her throat before she could even think about biting it back. Robin jumped in terror. He turned his head, the scene he witnessed sending more chills down his spine.

Snow was pressing gauzes on her belly, Granny was taking care of her leg now.  Doc was pouring a liquid  on her chest wound - he needed to disinfect it and it seemed that whatever concoction he had made stung like hell.

Robin looked Doc, his eyes full of apology and concern. ''Just talk to her Robin,'' Doc encouraged him; ''It's the most important part.''

Robin quickly gave his full attention to Regina again. His heart stopped when he saw her eyes closed. 

''Regina!'' he yelled shaking her face. 

She opened her eyes again.

''I want kids too'' she whispered. She couldn't breathe properly. She felt the pain in her chest most of all. And her breathing was coming out ragged and choppy. 

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