Exposition.x -

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His frightened brown eyes watched as the intruder stood over his father's lifeless body. The stranger was holding a knife, the same knife with which the boy had seen cut the fathers throat, and he was mumbling something. The boy watched as blood dripped from the blade onto the carpeted floor.

Luckily, he had been unseen by the dark eyes of the stranger. He was hiding in a closet, which wouldn't provide any protection if he were found out, but it was working out for him. 

The boys eyes then wandered over to his mother, blood pooling from her head. She had been shot two times. 

Even though he was four, he knew that he no longer had parents. He knew that he would be alone because neither his mother or father had any siblings. And his grandparents were dead so he didn't have them as an option. What he didn't know is that because of this, he wouldn't quite have another permanent home to live in. 

He wanted to scream out at the person, tell them to leave, but he knew that if he did that he would be dead in a heartbeat. Not only did the guy have a knife, but he was a scrawny kid. He was very skinny and practically had no muscle.

Minutes ticked by before the killer finally left the house, taking some jewelry with them. David stepped out, shaking with fear, and walked over to their bodies. His small hand delicately rested on his fathers shoulder and his other hand placed itself in his mother's hand. He bowed his head, tears running down his cheeks. 

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TA-DA. Here it goes. This just gives you a look at something that has happened to David leading up to his personality in the book. 

Lead Me Out Of The Dark - David Escamilla ||au|| edited descriptionWhere stories live. Discover now