Chapter 4

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As I entered the house, I briefly glanced around me. His house was clean and organized.

My kinda guy...

Until now, I didn't even realize he was holding my hand. He lead me to the couch, where we sat comfortably close to each other.

"Any movie in mind?" He asked while giving me a genuine smile.

"Um. Not really," I responded

As he scrolled threw the options, I saw 'The Fault in our Stars.'

At that point, I couldn't help but plead him to watch it. It was my favorite book and movie.

It didn't take much convincing, but then I realized.

I let out a sigh.

He looked at me, puzzled.

"Everything okay?" He asked, looking concerned.

"Of course! It's just that..." I paused. "I'm gonna look like a hot mess after this movie."

He laughed, and without another word, put his arm around me.

It sent chills up my spin.

If you thought I was getting used to the affection, you were wrong...

The rest of the movie went by pretty uneventfully, with the occasional laugh.

That is until the end.

I tried everything not to cry. Biting my tongue, taking the occasional bathroom or snack break, or simply putting my head in a pillow.

Didn't work.

I didn't ball my eyes out like I did the first time, but I would be lying if I said I didn't cry at all.

As a few tears slipped from my face, I felt his arm tense up. Gripping me closer to him. He then kissed my forehead.

It was the first time we had kissed. And I loved every second of it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can clearly see he was smiling.

Apparently it's funny to watch me cry.

I couldn't help but let out a little laugh at this thought.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off.

For starters, I am not a morning person.

Soon to realize I was in an unfamiliar bed, and wasn't exactly sure where I was.

I was wide awake at this point.

And then it hit me...

I fell asleep at Mason's house.

In exhaustion, I rubbed my hands over my face. Afterwards, I checked my phone. a few profanities escaped my mouth as I saw Chris had texted me. Multiple times...

He had spammed me. Saying things like,

Where the **** are you?!


If I need to come get you I will...

I simply responded by saying,

I'm fine. I'll explain when I get home.

I put my phone down and realized that I looked like a mess. my long blonde hair was in tangles, and my makeup from the previous day was smeared. In hopes to tidy myself up before I saw Mason, I headed towards the door.

As I opened the door, I felt a small jolt on the other side.

It was Mason.

"Good morning," He smiled, looking down on me.

"Oh, uh. Good morning Mason." I replied still startled.

"I was uh... just checking in on you." He said, clearly embarrassed.

I blushed at the thought of this.

There was just a few moments of silence, before Mason took a few steps towards me. He hugged me passionately. Wrapping his muscular arms around my back.

I wrapped my arms around shoulders, and hugged him back.

I felt as if I was dreaming.

"Thank you for everything. Dinner, the movie, and letting me stay at your place."

He smirked at me. "You really think I would just throw you on the street to fend for yourself?"

We both laughed.

This was just our first date, but I felt a strong connection between us. When I was around him I felt happy, safe, and loved.

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