Chapter 1: Wishes

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Everyone was granted with three wishes ever since they were born.

However, most of the time those wishes were wasted on something simple or insignificant like 'I want mommy' or ' I want a shiny new toy'. Most people usually used up their three wishes when they were kids but not Can.

Can is one of the few who still have their wish.

The first time Can used his wish was when he was just a baby. His first wish was pretty much similar to all baby in the world which is to be fed.

His mother realized Can's big appetite as she watched her son suckling his bottle rather enthusiastically.

"Such a big eater, this boy." his mother smiled to him. Little Can just look at her with his round eyes, too content from being fed.

Since then, his mother never let Can go hungry.

Can was never a needy baby. He rarely cries and he did not need his mother picking him up all the time. Because of that, Can only used one wish during his infant years.
Can's second wish was Gucci.

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon when his parents took a six years old Can along with his younger sister, Lemon, on a stroll around their neighbourhood.

They were having a great day. Can was laughing and skipping with his sister, ice-creams on their hand.

"Mae! Por! Look I finished my ice-cream first. I win!" Can said while struggling to swallow the ice-cream in his mouth.

His parents just shook their head fondly, amused with her son's antics. Ley took her time finishing her ice-cream, not wanting to rush like her brother.

They continued walking down the street when Can's eyes caught on a store with the cutest window display. His eyes lit up and he ran to the store front dragging Ley with her to watch the display of dogs in front of the pet shop.

Can and Ley spent their afternoon cooing and making funny faces at the dogs until it's late and their father had to pry both of them from the store.

"Can, Ley, come on. Let's go home."

"But por~" Can whined, not ready to leave just yet.

"Come on, Can. It's getting late. We can look at the dogs some other day"

Can was sad to leave the dogs. He made up his mind, his mouth set in a grim line and a determined expression on his chubby face. He look at both of his parents and said,

"I wish I have a dog"

A sudden commotion was heard from a distance near the food carts. They looked at the loud noises to see a man chasing a dog who was holding something on its mouth.

"Hey, that damned dog. Stop stealing my grilled chicken!"

The dog ran straight and jumped towards Can causing Can to topple down with the dog on top of him. The dog had dropped the stolen grilled chicken and licking Can's face all over.

Can's parents hurried to their son's side only to hear Can's delighted laughs.

"He's tickling me! And he smells like chicken!"

His parents pried the dog and get Can up. However, the dog glued to Can's sides as soon as Can got his bearing.

The grilled chicken hawker arrived at the family soon after, clearly out of breath, having to chase the dog.

"Are you okay, kid?"

"I'm okay" Can smiled, his hand won't stop petting the cute dog who was standing next to him.

The hawker turned to Can's parents and explained that the dog is a stray dog who was always loitering around the area.

"Can we take him home?" Can asked his parents, complete with his puppy eyes.

"The dog is rather well-behaved despite being a stray. I just don't know why he acted out today." the hawker said.

His parents looked at each other as if silently communicating on whether to bring home the dog. But it's their son wish and who are they to deny that.

"Ok, Can. You can bring the dog home but-"

"YES! Thank you, por!" Can hugged his father.

"Wait, Can. I haven't finished talking" his father chuckled.

"You can keep the dog but you are the one who need to take care of him"

"Ok, por"

"Promise?" his father asked while holding out his pinky finger

"Promise" Can said, linking their pinky fingers together.

Can's father smiled and ruffled his son's hair.

"Then, what should we name the dog?"

"Gucci." Can's mother suddenly said.

"So when my friends are showing off their Gucci, I can say I have one too" his mother added.

That's how Can's family had Gucci.
It's not that Can did not try to use his third wish.

It was the fact that he had wished for something that can never be granted.

Can was ten years old when he tried to used his last wish. He watched his mother sitting by the window, staring in a distance.

It has been one month since his father died because of a car accident.

His mother seems sad. Well, that was an understatement.

His mother looked like she has lost purpose in her life, always staring into the distance and too quite for Can's liking.

Can approached his mother. She smiled to him, pulling him into her lap and stroking his hair.

"Mae, I wish por is still alive" Can said.

Can's mother smiled sadly.

"Can, that is not how the wishes work. Life or death is not something that you can change."

"But, mae. You always look so sad. I just want to make you happy."

"Of course I will be sad for a while but I will feel better as the time goes. Now, I want you to promise me. Keep your wish for something important"

"How would I know when to use the wish?"

"When the time comes, you will know, Can."

-----End of Chapter 1-----

Author's notes:

So, how was that?

This is the first story I ever written. Please be gentle ^.^

Would you guys be interested with the rest of the story? Do let me know!

Of course we would see more of Tin and Can in the upcoming chapter.


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