Second Entry

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It is late at night, and I write this by candlelight at the kitchen table. All others have retired for the night, and I had to carefully sneak myself downstairs without waking Jaynie.

There is new writing in the book. In much the same fashion, I tucked it away in its hiding spot, making sure that I positioned it in just such a way that it would be obvious to me if anyone had tampered with it in my absence. When I opened the box again, at first I was relieved to see that it hadn't been touched, until I opened it and found more of my writing filling the pages.

"No one will listen to me," the writing reiterates. "My fear grows with each passing day that something terrible will happen. That something evil will spill forth from that hole in the sky. But no one believes me when I speak of it. I fear that they will start to think me insane. I'm starting to believe that myself--why else am I the only one that can see it? Why am I the only one with a mysterious pain in my head? I don't know what to do. I am thinking of seeing an oracle soon, but if Jaynie hears of my plan, she'll be very cross for sure. I have to find a time to visit one without her knowledge..."

Once again, I have no recollection of writing any of this down. Furthermore, I've yet to tell anyone about what I saw in the sky. Why, then, is there numerous accounts in the book, written in my own hand, about trying to convince others of what I've seen?

And the strange events in the sky only grow stranger each day.

As I stated earlier, I witnessed something this morning that made ignoring this development impossible. Since finding the book and seeing the great hole for the first time, I have been trying my best to go about life as usual, seeing as I'm the only person who seems to notice its prescience. A few, relatively-peaceful days passed in this nature, but then something new occurred this morning which rattled me so deeply to the core, I used what little extra money I have to purchase this journal at the market today while running errands with Jaynie.

This morning, not long after serving breakfast, I was in the yard tending to the garden with Jaynie. One of my favorite chores is looking after the garden, for it calms my heart so to see the different plants grow and thrive, and pluck away the weeds and withered bits that may impede their prosperity. Close by, Aron Elliot was chopping wood for the fire, humming and singing in a cheery way. For a moment, I felt as though all was normal again, and that I'd never found the maddening book or seen anything in the sky. I refused to look to the east, hoping that if I looked away long enough, the danger in the sky would disappear on its own. But then, something happened which I could not ignore.

It was as if a resonating bell had suddenly been struck, for a low vibration began to pulse through the air, sending an uneasy chill through my bones. I stopped my work immediately as nausea began to build, drying my mouth. I looked to Jaynie, who was still absorbed in her work, and then to Aron Elliot. He had stopped his chopping and humming, and was staring at me curiously.

Then, a second, stronger wave of resonation pulsated, and I turned quickly to the east. There it was, as ominous as ever, hanging above the hills. But now I could see it--that strange, pulsating vibration was coming from the hole itself. I gasped and dropped my clippers to the dirt.

"Miss Bryn?" Aron called questioningly, but I kept my eyes on the sky.

And then I saw something else: an object dropping from the gaping void and falling straight to the earth, somewhere beyond the hills.

"Good heavens!" I shrieked, jumping back and nearly tripping over Jaynie.

"Bryn, Bryn, whatever is the matter?" she grabbed ahold of me, steadying my shaking legs.

I finally pulled my eyes away from the sky and looked at her with desperation.

"In the sky! Something fell from the sky!" I pointed frantically to the spot, glancing between her and Aron.

"From the sky?" Jaynie frowned, then her eyes lit up with interest. "Do you think it could be a meteor? When I went into town the other day, Mr. Hancock was telling me about rocks that fall from outer space that are made up of bits of magic metal! He says some people believe that they are fallen angels, molded into their most pure form by our world."

My head was pounding, that familiar pressure making it impossible to focus on what she was telling me.

"Are you quite all right, Bryn?" Aron Elliot appeared at the garden gate, watching me with worry in his eyes. "Are you feeling fatigued again? You look unwell."

"I'm fine, really," I tried to smile with assurance. "I was just a bit startled, is all."

And still, neither of them looked to the sky nor mentioned anything about the sinister rift.

Why do they not see it? Why won't they even glance its way? It's as if their very senses are averted to it. But, why then, do I have to fight every moment with the urge to stare at it in awe and horror? Why am I the only one who knows it's there?

I truly must be going mad.

Jaynie went on about how she wished to go and find the meteor to see if it really was a fallen angel. If it is true, if what fell from that chasm is a heavenly creature, then it surely must be one of darkness and evil. The moment that I saw it fall to the earth, I felt a great sickness in my heart. It is that same feeling I get when I stand at the top of the attic stairs--the same feeling, I fear, that mum experienced just before slipping from the bridge and falling to her doom. It is the feeling of being at the edge of a great precipice, and all it would take to send you reeling over the edge is a small nudge, a tiny slip, a simple shudder. Whatever may have fallen from the sky, I fear that it is coming to find me, and that when it does, it will gladly push me over the edge.

I don't know what I can do to stop it.

As soon as I can, I think I will take the advice of my own writing in the mysterious book and go to see an oracle. Jaynie musn't know, but it has to be done before I lose my mind completely. I need help--I need some guidance.

I need to know what fell from the sky, before it is too late. But now, it is time for me to get some much-needed rest. I pray that sleep will come to me.

Until next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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