「Your name is..」

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*english not my first language, you will find a mess grammar. This story have a little fiction of silla dynasty, so this not a real part of silla dynasty history            _______________________________________________________________________

Heechul feel like he fly really fast, everything around him are fast forward until it coming down slowly. He arrive on the hallway that seem like ancient Korea castle, the hallway is look so red since the floor also door and window frame was made by mahogany, the pillars are paint in red, the candle on every lamp make the hall way so romantic. Heechul walk on the hallway slowly and he meet a bridge on the middle of this castle that also have a beautiful view where heechul can see a small Korean garden pond with some of water lily on it,some of it in white and some of it in red. the bridge send him to a door where it have golden frame on it, he open the door but it was so dark and is only have one candle that light on the room. 

Heechul get closer to the part where is light and he see someone with red robe that have grey heron embroidery on it, that person have a black long hair that tied in half bun. "this someone look so pretty from the back" heechul taught that but when heechul think that, the person are look at back and heechul was shock since that person is look like him just way older. their eyes meet and he go to heechul, heechul was shock and try to step back but his body was frozen, heechul look at him and even think this person is so much pretty but he is sure that he is a male just like him. that person getting closer and hold heechul face, he look at heechul eyes then one tear drop off from his eyes 

But as he try to say something heechul are awake from his dream.


He open his eyes to see a ceiling and the curtain but he feel his body is very sore and he suddenly remember about the curse and wake but he groans instead that make heejin come to him,"are you awake heechul-ah ?". Heechul glad the one he see is his sister and he asking her "did i ??" the first thing heejin take out and give heechul was a mirror and he take the mirror and look at his reflection. 

"i think you not have much physically change on your face as i though will happen is just your hair that growth long and your adam apple that disappeared " heejin said to heechul while brush his hair. Heechul try to smile look at himself at the mirror with long hair, and his face who almost remain the same unless his eyelash that more long than what he usual have. He try to be positive and said "what an unattractive girl.. i don't have any boobs, this too small" while touching his own chest then he welcome a smack from heejin, "you still more pretty than me.. i hate that but i feel happy you still look like you so i still recognize you". 

"We bring you to school clinic since is the nearest" explain heejin about how he end up at his school clinic that make heechul suddenly remember of gunhee "noona ! gunhee ?!" heejin was sigh and hold his shoulder "i can't hide your condition to him since he the one who carry you, he shock but seem understand." heechul can imagine his face and think that gunhee is gunhee after all so thanks God.

Heejin and Heechul are going home too after the school was empty. While on the way back heechul was think about the dream he see before rather worried what going to happen to him tomorrow. who is that guy ? look at his robe and that castle, he is sure are an important person but why he cry ? what he try to tell me? and why he look like me ?  "did that is really a dream? " heechul mumble himself and make heejin look at him and ask "did you say something?", heechul look back but he feel hesitate to tell her about his dream"nothing" heechul answer while sighing. 

They arrive in home the thing that welcome him is her mother "Heechul-ah !!" and she check all his body including his genitalia, heechul shock and yell "MOM !!!" his mom look at him and hug him "thanks God.. i though is gonna be very worse, i though you will change so much, i scare i can't recognize you.. at least i still see you on you" then his mom hold his face "i have such a pretty daughter now too" and heejin was cough and make heechul laugh. 

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