「can be.... 」

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*english not my first language, you will find a mess grammar.


"What.... is actually happening?" Leeteuk still shock with how heemi push him when he kiss me. Unknowingly is make him anxious, he know heemi love to kiss him so it's impossible for her to push him like that. Another thing that make him confuse is the little sting feels on his lips for a sec right before heemi push him away, something like it's struck him suddenly.


While heemi when she successfully get into the car, he can hear jungsoo calling her and is make the pain more even painful than she used to remember. She ask her driver to call her sister but suddenly she remember that her sister was not in korea so,

"Call gunhee please ahjussi" 

Not long after she said that , her pain take over and she lost her consciousness.

When he wake, he already in his bedroom. His body is feel very sore. he feel still can move yet but he try to touch his hair and is still long, when he try touch his neck, he can feel his adam apple back.

"I'm back... as heechul?"

This was suppose he wait for,  this is what he wait for to change as a male back but jungsoo calling heemi is ring in his head and it's still pain him. "I'm not even can say good bye yet, i'm not....." before he crying suddenly the door is opened.

"You are awake...." gunhee look at him while bring a drink and soup with him.

"Gunhee.. i..."
"Back as heechul i see"

heechul close his face with his hand try to hide his cry from gunhee "i'm not even say good bye yet to him, i'm not even introduce you to him... gunhee what should i do?", Gunhee feel sad with what he see is just like something he already expected but is something also he don't want to see. "well, you don't really look much different... is just suddenly you look tall, maybe... just a maybe... just try to cross dress and said a proper good bye to him?" he give him an idea while he busy to put the soup and water on side table.

if this heechul old self, this an idea he will against it but now is like that only option for him to say good bye even inside of his heart— he never want to said good bye. He wipe his tears as he already can feel his sore better then wake to take drink that gunhee prepared for him. "cross dress.. he is smart gunhee, i don't think is easy to fool him as my voice and height is cannot be help.. i'm not heemi currently, the one he is love is heemi.. not me" heemi hold the glass tight after drink some from it.

gunhee only can sigh, what he said is basically true. "but... love is love right ? heechul? like love it's blind as it is.. is a life gambling, we never know if he can accept you as you or he just want accept you as heemi is so thin line when love is involved in it.." heechul put the glass on the table and take the soup "that's true but gambling is bad and i don't feel gambling was a good idea since it might more painful than it is now" heechul said as he start to drink the soup from his spoon.

"so then what you gonna do? gunhee look as heechul just blankly look at soup while eat it. he stop his motion after take another bite.

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