「it's taste..」

440 17 6

*english not my first language, you will find a mess grammar.


"i seem... has been fallin love.." heemi look serious when tell siwon. siwon was a little confuse but "i forget to tell you something" siwon added.

"what again this time?!" heemi get frustrated and brushing her hair with her hand.

"fallin love is easy but for us... is not only about fallin love.. i don't think you will say this so i not prepare myself to even said this but now i should" siwon also get frustrated as he start ti scratch his head again. "okay... a warlock or witch need some recognition that we call 'cosmic connection', so even they can fallin love to anyone and anyone can love them back but the one who will bound to you is someone who being recognize with you.. is like a nature and universe is give a bless of you both. that of course even if one of you denied it, you can't run from it."

"is like when the star watch you and the water glow for you..." heemi remember the second encounter she have with her father, siwon nodding and smiling. "your mother and father is bound by cosmic connection despite their unwillingness to be together since your father love someone else and your mother never think your father is good husband anyway haha.."

Heemi look siwon because she can't accept any jokes at this point "so.. i need fallin love WITH SOMEONE WHO RECOGNIZE WITH ME WITH FUCKIN COSMIC CONNECTION OR WHATEVER IS THAT?" heemi get more frustrated without she realize, she seem just calling storm since raining start to pouring suddenly.

"he... heemi-ah" siwon try to calm her down while look at the window, heemi still shriek out of frustration and the dark cloud come with storm on it as siwon can see. "heemi.. please i think you should stop... i'm sorry but i really think you need to stop or i can't back to seoul"

"what again this time?!" and heemi look at the window "o.. ow... is that storm?" then look at siwon, "please calm.. ok? close your eyes.... take a deep breath now.." siwon take this opportunity to judge heemi soul. he watch it while bite his thumb tip. what he look is still the color of her mother and father , but suddenly, he look the pink color arise around heemi and collide with her mother and father soul. the rain is stop and the sky back clear.

"now open your eyes heemi, you see what i see?" heemi look at her on the mirror, "pink.. red... purple... SIWON !" , siwon just smile and look at her, "i'm a freakin lollipop!" siwon react by almost fall from the bed. "so if you all have 1 colour, why i have three?"

"i wonder but as your mother and father put all of their soul on you, seem their soul is being yours now.. is suppose disappear when we know your true color" siwon actually think that this suppose not happening... is suppose you inherent only one of it and he remember "the child of most powerful warlock and witch need to be killed" then look at heemi who are sit beside him again while still look at the mirror then pat her head "but you growth on the right place, i guess everything gonna be alright..."

Heemi just tilt her head and smile, "but you really need go back to seoul siwon-ah? and how come we are look as same age again?" siwon just sigh and lay down. beside heemi is his friend child, heemi now is siwon best friend too, different from gunhee. before everything happen, siwon was the only friend heemi have. they both come from important family so they meet a lot on important party and they play a lot, siwon also sleep in her family house sometime at school holiday.

"is my persona, my persona make people look at me being same age as you but my collagues actually see me in adult form." heemi just nodded, "this a little awkward is it? our situation and my form now.." is a little but siwon can see heemi sad face for the first time.

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