「Hi.. Best Friend」

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*english not my first language, you will find a mess grammar. is heemi day, every journey will start from here so i stop for awhile use He and any female word term such as noona become unnie. Korea Minjuk School is really exist but this is not how that school are, this is a fiction situation.


After that hectic day, Heemi wake to start here day not as heechul but as heemi. Her mom is work overseas now to accompany her dad and her staff still put a preparation for her new school so she have a day of rest, until now she still not hear anything from gunhee and her unnie now already in school so she completely alone. She check the house in case her maid is home or not.

 "Heemi ?" she hear someone voice in the home and shock her, "o... oh... aunty.. you just come ? did my mom tell my condition to you?" The maid are look her from her head to toe "i has being your family head maid since your parents get married, how come i don't know about your condition?" and smile to her. "i'm hungry aunty, i want to eat but other don't know my condition yet, can you just sent it to my room ? after this you can go home" heemi said that while holding her cloth and look shy by saying that, this condition is too cute for the head maid. "don't be shy heemi, you are pretty.. i don't know how later your mother explain who you are to the other maids but they will love you" head maid said that while pat heemi shoulder.

Heemi back to her room and go to bath room to take a bath while wait for her lunch. she feel unfamiliar with her body now but since she have older sister, this not something new. heemi go to the bath room, as she check the water suddenly the water become pink in glow and the other thing around her is become dark, "did i faint again? no i not feel hurt or anything this time what is this?" that what heemi think as everything surround her is change. the glow suddenly make a river glow as if asking her to follow it somewhere, heemi stand and start to follow the water.

"really... this not a dream for sure, this too much real for a dream" said heemi while walking the water glow,as the she walk suddenly is many firefly around him and make a very beautiful scenery, more she walk the scenery around her become clear. She is now seem on the way to a big lake where she can see a many star and mountain as the lake background, the firefly around her like dancing as she arrive on the lake he meet him again, the beautiful man who look like her.

This time the man still use the red robe but it close to sleep robe and as he slowly goes to the water, heemi think that picture are so pretty as the firefly surrounding and the star bright so nicely around him even the fact that he is look like him. "so pretty...." heemi immediately close her mouth with hand as it slip from her mount and quickly hiding. 

that man seem realize that is have someone other than him and start to walk near heemi but before he can reach her, someone was call that man and let the man make a u turn to go to that someone, heemi peek from her hiding place in relief. she look at someone who call the man and is a female that also really pretty, she using a purple robe and she goes to the water when she step on the water suddenly the water glow brightly and i see the firefly is actually not a firefly.. is like a light ball and is dancing surround them, is so beautiful but yet i see the female who call him is crying, and he pull her to hug her, he hug the female really tight and i see him also crying while hug her. 

the scene is so pretty but yet is sad in same time.

Heemi are confuse and she hear someone call for her, as the voice getting more clear, everything around her start to disappear and she found herself back to the bathroom. "Heechul !! no... Lady Heemi?! Lady ?!" her maid voice is getting louder and she open the door, "ah.. ahjumma.... what happen ?" Her maid look very calm after look at her "i though you are faint.. i not see you on the bedroom and found the bathroom are lock, i though something happen to you". Heemi laugh "hahaha aunty... i'm fine and you know.. is funny to hear you call me lady, i will get a bath first and go to lunch so don't worry" the maid is laugh with her and go out from the room.

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