Leanne 7.0

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'LIAM!!' I yelled in a desperate tone.

'what?' he asked in an annoyed one.

'This is too awkward, can please transport me somewhere else?' I asked in my mind, due to being in an extremely unpleasant walk. 'Didn't you say you had this? You sound like a kid who still doesn't know how to talk to the opposite sex,' said Liam while sighing.

'I know how to talk to the opposite sex, okay? However, that was when I had an amazing pair of boobs, great ass, and killing legs,' I said almost crying.

'Host, you still have boobs even though they're still kind of small, they will grow. Plus you're an A class beauty, just be yourself,' said Liam in a motherly tone.

'Eww, I hate it when you talk like that. Can't you just be your heartless self?' I asked trying not to show the chills while walking with the male lead.

'When was I ever heartless to you?' Asked Liam in a scary tone.

"Are you cold?" Said a cold voice to my right.

"Heh?" I said looking surprised.

"I asked if you were cold," repeated the male lead.

'Host this is your chance. Go ahead and steal his heart, I'm rooting for you,' said Liam sounding overly excited.

"No, I'm okay," I said, since it wasn't cold it was literally summer and although it wasn't hot there was a nice breeze in the air.

"So what do you think about this engagement?" asked the male lead sounding uninterested.

"Not much, it's just a promise between elders. My grandpa is kind of old so I told him I was fine with it. Although we never know about the future is best to enjoy the present," I said not looking at him.

"So you're basically saying not to worry about it since we can always dissolve the engagement in the future?" Asked the male lead.

"Technically... yes," I said sounding unsure.

"So you wouldn't get mad if in the future I have an affair with another girl?" He asked sounding interested.

"of course not, you and I are don't have any sort of relationship, since we just met. However, please be attentive to your actions since everyone knows everything in our world. So at least try to respect me like your fiance," I said drawing quotation marks around the word fiancee with my fingers.

"Sure, but will you do the same?" he asked.

"I will at least try to consult you if I ever enter a romantic relationship, So try to do the same if you can," I said.

"Sure," he smiled and I swear I felt numb when he did. However, that didn't last long he went to using his blank mask.

"Can I get your phone number?" He asked, so I just unlocked my phone with my fingerprint and gave it to him. "Nice, is this one of your company's new product?" He asked.

"It's gonna enter the market in a month, so is not technically knew since the public knows about it," I said, as he returned my phone with a newly added number, "thanks," he said.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked

"I believe you already did," He said as he looked at me attentively wondering what I was gonna say.

"Is it fun to always have that stone face? Don't you wanna express yourself in some ways?" I asked while looking at his face that got very dark very quickly.

"Excuse you?" he said, in what I believe was a question but I didn't wanna respond In case it wasn't. So I just looked at him with a "What?" expression.

"Heh, so you like to play dumb, huh?" He said with furrowed brows and a cold air surrounding him. "Of course not, I just noticed that you seem rather cold when communicating. So I thought it was because you didn't want to be engaged to me, which I completely understand. However, we're both in the same situation, it wouldn't kill you to be a little more empathetic and leave that cold air behind. You come across as kind of distant," I said trying to explain my question.

"Jesus, brats are really annoying," he said with huge eyes while touching his hair and walking away from me.

"It was just a question, you don't have to leave a weak and innocent lady, in this huge garden in the middle of the night, were many horrible things can happen to her," I said as I followed him with long strides. "Maybe, you deserve to be alone since you don't know how to tactful," he said walking as if he didn't hear me.

"I didn't know you liked to be spoken to with tact," I said making it sound like if he was being childish. "Plus I'm your fiancee is best if we establish honesty in our relationship since the beginning," I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"I was trying to break the ice, sorry if I offended you," I said while looking directly into his eyes and still holding his arm. He simply brushed a strand of hair off my face saying, "You really are an annoying brat," and grabbed my arm as he walked more slowly.

'Nice, host. In the story, the male lead hated when anyone touched him. Now we know he doesn't mind the touch of your annoying self,' said Liam, while I try to stop the veins from popping in my forehead.

"Ohhh, so you can also be sweet," I said while holding his hand.

"I'm not afraid to leave you here if you keep talking," he said.

"Sorry," I said.


Thank you, for all the support you guys have been giving me so far. Here's an extra chapter in return for all the votes I've received. Also today's Monday so, here's a piece of advice.

 Also today's Monday so, here's a piece of advice

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