Leanne 28.0

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Two years Later:

It's been two years since the Ml and I decided to get married and like I told the girls, I didn't raise a single finger for the wedding. The only thing I did was pick out a wedding dress. Well, multiple wedding dresses since my mother had an opinion about every single one of them. 

When I asked her if she wanted me to go naked to my own wedding she stopped being so picky and we finally came to an agreement. We decided to have it custom made. The dress was a traditional white dress with a 6 ft train and a veil that was 12 ft long. It had a subtle sweetheart line and small diamonds sewed on the top part of the dress, creating subtle a subtle design of flowers that dispersed throughout the dress. The edges of the veil where also decorated with names of the people I cared about. The name of my parents, grandparents, friends, and dead relatives were there. Even Liam was there. You wouldn't be able to figure out that those were names since the design were written in cursive. However, if you looked closely you could figure it out.

In the span of this two years I haven't been lazing around either. I've been working with my dad and traveling around the world as a successful heiress of a multi-billion dollar company. I made deals with foreigners, tried new food, and became a fashion expert. Basically, I use my business trips as an excuse to go on vacation. Of course, I also spend a lot of time with the male lead. Even when I was out of the country we called each other to check on one another. But, never broke contact. We also never broke the promise of... abstinence until the wedding. Which caught me by surprised, I was just joking when I told him that I wasn't going to have sex with him until after the wedding. However, he took it literally and I didn't bother correcting him since it was fun to watch him hold himself back.

When I enter the venue with my dad and grandfather, I admit that I was nervous. It was my first time getting married after all. However, I got through it, my dad and grandpa were walking me down the aisle and I felt lucky to have relatives that loved me the way they did. My mother was kind of angry at them because she also wanted to walk me. But, grandpa and dad just laughed at her comment and angered her. Which earned them and me a long talk about how toxic sexism is. Still, my dad and grandpa wanted to walk me down the aisle so, she just gave up. When we got to the end  the first people I look up to where my friends and Emma that somehow joined the group. They looked gorgeous on their rose gold dresses and were giving me bright smiles. Although, Elizabeth was crying and the other's look a little sad but still had smiles on their faces.

Over these two years Kate got engage the same way I did. Her parents found a partner for her. All of us told her that we would destroy him if she wanted us to. But, she said it was fine. That she was going to go with the flow the same way I did. Mona, met a doctor while she was volunteering at a hospital and they are in a serious relationship now. Elizabeth is a free soul so, she has in and out of relationships and like has travel a lot during the last two years. Emma has grown closer to the second male lead and they are officially a couple now. While I'm walking down the aisle.

'Host, you're doing great,' said Liam.

'Thank you,' I told him.

When we stopped my dad quietly whispered in my ear, "just say the word and we're out of here." I looked at him with a seriously face. He could've told before we walked down here. Fortunately, I still had my veil on so my expression couldn't be seen. So, I told him, "I'm fine."

He then proceeded to say a few words to the ML and so did my grandfather. When they were done the ML helped me up to the podium and the priest started talking the rules of marriage. How trusting each other and loving each other will be the best thing to do and the asked, "Dylan oxford, do you take this woman for your wive until death do you apart?"

The male lead smile and said, "I do."

"Leanne Snow, do you take this man as your husband until death do you apart?"

"I do" 

"By the power granted in me I now pronounce you husband and wive. You may now kiss the bride," said the priest with a smile on his face.

The male lead smiled brightly and lifted my veil up, I smiled gently and at his reaction. He then grabbed me by the waist and I placed both of my hands in his shoulder. We then kissed and the crowd applauded. We then walked out of the venue hand in hand with a smile on our faces.


After that Mona and Emma got married with their respective partners. Kate and Elizabeth also got married but, Kate married a different person and Elizabeth married much later. Still we all lived a happy life and had many kids. My grandfather lived a long age and my parents got to see beautiful grandchildren... good for them. I never really got the same love Emma got from Dylan's mother but, once I had kids she warmed up to me.

I never really stop meddling with the female lead. I meddle in her work life and led her to resigning from the job the Ml got her. She then found a very attractive young master from a rich family. Unfortunately, the young master's company did some shitty things like fraud and bribing and some angelic soul decided to expose him. Leaving the Ml pregnant and poor without no one to fall back on. She then decided that she was going to try her best to raise her child alone and I applauded her for it. Unfortunately, not many people want to hired a pregnant person with a horrible work history. Who was also the wive of a man who committed fraud. She was smart enough to realize she couldn't raise the baby alone and committed suicide but, not before leaving the baby in front of an orphanage. I made sure the baby was adopted by a nice family and send her money every month. I figure that her mother was a shitty person in the original novel but, this baby was technically born because of me and I couldn't let anything bad happen to her.

Anyway, I decided to honor the bows I exchange with the male lead and tried my best to love him and respect him throughout his life. We also had our fights like couples do but, it was nothing major. We always got through it at the end.

Then I died. Well it was the male lead who died peacefully because of old age but, I was given the option to get out of this world and I figure that if the Fl and Ml were gone. I could also go and I died like that.


Author's note: Yesss done!!!!

I know it was rushed but... whatever. Love you all and goodbye Leanne I loved you so much and I hope the best for you on the next world. 



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