Leanne 16.0

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hahahahahaha, 'Liam, Did he just?''

I think he just confessed, host. Which means that you have to stop staring at him and respond to his confession,' said Liam, noticing that I just stared blankly at the ML after his extremely romantic confession.

"Thank you. That's very brave to say after the third time meeting someone," I told him after my surprise flew out the window and my rationality came instead.

"It seems like you're still not taking me seriously," he said

"Why would I?"

"I'm your fiancee," he said.

"That's not a reason to trust someone. Especially when the engagement was arranged by elders," I told him.

"That's very true."

"Tell me about the girls in your life," I asked him since, it's my right to know about them.

"What girls?" he asked with a strange expression.

"The ones you dated before and the ones interested in you," I said. Even though I knew he's never been in a relationship before.

"Why are you trying to change the topic?" He asked me with a serious and intimidating expression.

"Excuse me?"

"I confessed to you. However, you're still not taking me seriously and asking about other girls when I'm on a date with you. So forgive me for asking but... why are you here? Since you weren't planning on taking me seriously from the beginning," he said with such clear and decisive eyes that it made it difficult for me to tell him the real reason. I mean he hasn't done or said anything rude to me while I've been a little curt towards him.

'Host, you're the worst. At least try to respect the pride of this man and be honest with him. Sometimes I wonder if you enjoy making him chase after you,' said Liam with disappointment in his voice. 

'YOU WERE THE ONE WHO FORCED ME TO COME HERE!,' I yelled at Liam in my head. While having an awkward expression in my face due to the ML's words.

"Are you going to stay quiet for the rest of the night?" said the ML.

"Forgive me if I made you feel that way. However, you said that you liked me and we've only seen each other like three times," I told him.

"Four times if you count this date. Also, I told you I liked you not loved you. So, you don't have to feel pressure about my confession, I just want to get to know you better.... in a romantic way. I don't know why but there's something about you that makes me feel... restless" he said. Making me slightly weak to his advances.

"I understand and I also like you(r face). So let me be the first to ask... Would you like to be my boyfriend?"

The ML and I were seated across from each other. However, once I asked him to be my boyfriend he silently got up, putting his chair next to mine and with a grin he asked, "I thought that I was already your fiancee."

"If you dislike the idea, I'm sure that that best friend of yours wouldn't mind the idea of being my boyfriend," I said angrily at how cocky his tone was.

"Wow," he said.

'Wow,' said Liam at the same time. While I just smiled at the male lead with "what?" eyes. He looked a bit annoyed at my words and said, "after I'm done with him, I assure you that he's going to mind."

"Wow, I can't imagine how you treat your other friends... Well, actually I do," I said knowing full well that authors always wanted MLs to be cold to everyone except the FL, of course.

"You're saying it like it's a bad thing," he said

"Is it not, Mr. Oxford?" I asked

"It is not when they are trying to steal someone precious from me. Also, you just asked me out don't you think that you should change the way that you refer to me," he said while getting extremely close to my face. I simply turn my head to the direction and said, "if someone can be stolen away that easily, they are not worth your time."

"Are you still trying to change the topic?" He said with furrowed brows.


"Then why exactly are you not looking into my eyes?"

"BECAUSE, YOU"RE TOO DAMN CLOSE," I said while trying to push his face away from mine. He didn't seem bothered by it and grabbed both of my hands saying, "I won't get too close so, you can at least call me by name."

Although it's been some time since I've been in a relationship I can say with all the certainty in the world that I'm waaayyy more experience than this brat. So, the fact that he's sitting there with that grin on his face truly makes me annoyed and being the corrupted and twisted pervert I am, I couldn't let this brat take the upper hand in this relationship since, it will be a pretty low blow for my pride. 

So, I did what any rational person would do in my position. I looked at him shyly and blushing a little bit. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and licked his lips with the tip of my tongue. "Dylan," I called out to him softly.                                                                                                                                                  He swallowed a little bit of his saliva (making his adam apple more visible to my eye) and pulled me against his chest while, burying his face into my neck and biting me, gently.

"We're in a public place, so how about you let go now?" I said to him totally destroying the mood. Unfortunately, his lips were still in my neck and hearing my tactless words didn't make his twenty-three years of abstinence any less painful.

"You're soulless woman," he said while getting his head off me.

"Congratulations! Now you know one of my main qualities," I said to him with a pure and bright smile.

"You can at least act like you're sorry," he said with a resigned but still cold face.

"Sorry for what?" I asked with innocent eyes. Fully aware that I was the one who started the physical contact and made him stop on purpose.

A corner of his mouth raised slightly and he said, "it's getting late, let me take you home." 

"You're right. My maid is probably thinking that you abducted me," I said to him.

"To be honest, I was planning to do that in case you rejected me," he said with a subtle smile. 


'Host, shut up.'


Author's note: Hello dear readers,

              It's been sometime since I updated since, it's my sister's birthday week. So, we've been having people over all week and when there's family, there's trash (and food). So, I've been cleaning up and eating up. 😊😊😊

Sorry, for the fast romance. I just want to get their relationship over with already. Also, sorry for the cold ML, he's just the typical ML of business worlds. Hopefully, he's gonna warm up to the shameless Leanne/Eleanor.
I sincerely hope you liked this chapter don't forget to like, comment, and follow.


         Lilac ❤❤❤

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