Delivery Boy

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Beyoncé POV

Two and a half months after Shawn and I split, and I was sitting in my living room, trying my hardest to relax Steve and Sam, who'd just learned that I brought Marshall over to listen to the latest of my work. As my manager and assistant, respectively, the two felt just a little out of the loop when they came over yesterday and found Marshall and I listening to one of the tracks. It hadn't taken them long to figure out what was going on, and now they were quietly panicking. 

"It's not that bad, guys," I said after I set down my water. I was looking away, but the half-covered snort I heard had to be from Sam. She tended to be disbelieving of anyone in the hip hop industry these days. 

"Bey," Steve said slowly. "He and Jay have a long history. Eminem has mentioned Jay as someone he admires in at least two songs."  

I nodded, continuing to drink my water. Sam and Steve had requested this meeting yesterday, after Marshall had to head out to take care of some local business. I expected him back later this afternoon, and then we'd be getting right back to work. 

Although I knew they meant well, Steve and Sam's concerns were not news to me. Marshall had raised the same ones on the call when I'd asked him to help out. It had been interesting, watching the play of emotion through his eyes. 

When I'd called him, it hadn't actually been my intent to ask Marshall to be my sounding board. I'd planned to just call and chat with him. As the call proceeded, though, I realized that talking to Marshall was easy - the kind of easy that made me feel something other than the pain and depression that had been licking at my feet like a shadow since I'd filed the divorce papers. 

The words had come out of my mouth before I'd fully thought them through, but I didn't regret them, even when Marshall had asked me if I were sure. His face had blanked, which I'd quickly come to learn was his way of hiding an emotion he wasn't ready to share. After so many years of knowing one another, though, I'd seen a flash of it despite his attempt to hold it in. That brief moment had been enough to allay any whispers of doubt in my mind that I'd made the right call. 

Marshall had been concerned about me. I'd seen it in his eyes as the potential risks of doing what I'd asked calculated through his mind. Although I knew that he was respectful of Shawn's work, that the two of them were friends, Marshall's reaction had been first about whether I was able to handle what might come. It had warmed me, seeing that. He would catch just as much grief, if not more, for doing this, but he put me first. I hadn't felt first in a while. 

"I know," I said softly. It was going to take me a while to be okay, but I noted with some inner satisfaction that it hadn't hurt to hear Jay's name. It was progress. Turning fully to Sam and Steve, I smiled. 

"Marshall already warned me about this, guys." I said, earning a look of surprise from Sam. Marshall had just earned himself some brownie points with my assistant. "And, I appreciate his concern and yours," I continued. 

"But, I'm not changing my mind. Marshall has an interesting perspective and he's been producing and performing for a long time. He's a good friend and I trust him." I explained and the shoulders of the two slumped slightly. I could see that they were not so concerned about the business side of things as the personal side. 

"It's not really the work I'm worried about," Steve said, confirming my thoughts. I nodded, smiling again. 

"People are going to speculate about all kinds of things, now that I'm single, Steve. That can't be helped." I noted and he nodded. 

"But, do you want them speculating about him?" Steve asked and I chuckled. 

"Do I want people wondering if I'm with a man whose first instincts when I asked for help was to make sure that he didn't make things worse for me? Yeah, I think I can handle it, Steve." I replied and he nodded. 

"Alright, Bey," Steve said. "We'll deal with whatever comes from it." 


"I brought you pizza," Marshall said as he walked in the house, setting a bag down as the square cardboard box in his hands called to me. 

"Extra tomato sauce, jalapenos?" I asked as I got up with a smile and he cocked his head as his brows rose. 

"Yes, you insane woman," Marshall said as he walked toward the living room to set the box on the coffee table. I moved into the kitchen to grab some plates and napkins, calling out as I did. 

"Drink?" I asked.

"Diet Coke or water," Marshall replied, which I knew was going to be the answer even as I asked it. 

When I got back into the living room, Marshall had his feet up from one chair, a slice of pizza in his hands. I plopped a plate on his lap and the drink in front of him before I settled in and grabbed my own. I couldn't have stopped the moan when I tasted the delicious goodness if you'd paid me my last appearance fee. When I opened my eyes, Marshall's were filled with humor. 

"Good to see I can make you moan," he teased and I blushed, causing him to cackle. 

He'd done exactly what he'd said he was going to do on that call. Every chance he got, he'd say something just a little bit racy to get a rise out of me. Although I was usually prepared, and thus didn't respond, he occasionally caught me. Every time he did, he'd full belly laugh. It was good to hear. 

"Don't be too flattered," I replied. "So can the sixteen year old delivery boy." 

Marshall choked on his food a little, having just taken a bite. After he got some water and was able to breathe again, he nodded. He worked to control his smile as he spoke. 

"Yeah, I deserved that," he said and I winked at him. 

Marshall had been here for a couple of weeks, and this was much as it had gone. Although when we got serious over the music, there was less banter, our conversation flowed. I felt at home around him, which was needed - especially this week. Jay had the kids with him and so the house had felt empty and the loneliness had been stifling. 

"So, your manager and assistant manage to warn you off where I couldn't?" Marshall asked and I tilted my head at him. He shrugged. "Wasn't hard to see that they were silently freaking out yesterday." He explained and I nodded. 

"They had the same worries you did," I responded. Marshall shook his head. 

"Not did. Do," he countered, taking another slice. 

"Marshall," I said, my tone warning. He shrugged as he took a bite and then responded. 

"Hey, I'm here and I'll keep being here," Marshall replied. "But, I'm not going to pretend that you should be hanging with me. I'm not exactly beloved by all." 

I set my pizza down and frowned at him. Although Marshall's tone was teasing, I could see the seriousness in his eyes. I looked at the floor before I caught his gaze again. 

"Having you here is good for me," I said softly. "I don't feel broken when you're around." I explained. 

"You aren't broken, Bey. You took a hit, but if any woman on this planet is strong enough to get back up, it's you." Marshall said seriously, his eyes intense. I gave him a small smile and took my pizza back up, tipping it to him as if in a toast. 

"And that, right there, is why I should be hanging with you."

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