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Beyonce POV

"Mom!" Blue called from the far end of the house. "You'll never guess what Marshall and me did!" She continued.

Curious, I walked toward her excited voice. When I got into the room, I found her face painted to look like a butterfly, the wings spread over her cheeks and eyes and dusted with sparkles. Smiling, I nodded and looked for Em. He'd taken Blue out for the afternoon while I stayed in with the twins and their nanny, who'd caught a bug.

As I glanced around, Marshall walked in and I lost it. My laughter was instantaneous as I looked at him, unable to control the instinct. He gave me a haughty look before moving toward Blue, who was trying to reach the DVDs to watch a movie.

"I see that Blue wasn't the only one having fun," I noted, calming down to a chuckle. Marshall slipped Blue's movie in and then turned to me with a barely suppressed smile.

He had a superhero mask painted over his eyes. The black mask was outlined in red and green, calling to mind a strange mixture of Batman and Robin put together. Where the mask came to a point at each temple, there was a single bead stuck to his skin. He looked ridiculous and I couldn't help the continued amusement.

"You're just jealous," he said, pulling me to him by my hips. I nodded, rolling my lips in to try to tone down my reaction. When I thought I could control it, I spoke.

"Are you Robin?" I asked and he shrugged with a twist of his lips.

"Nah," he replied. "The painter didn't know what Robin's mask looked like and the cell service was shit, so she did her best guess. It's closer to Batman's mask, though she did get the colors for Robin right, at least." He explained. I grinned, shaking my head.

"What?" Marshall asked.

"You can be such a geek sometimes," I replied and his eyes narrowed.

"Again, with the jealousy," he returned. "Next time, you're getting Poison Ivy painted on your face, Ms. Green."

"I'm glad you two had a good time," I said, looking over to Blue. It had been a couple of months since Jay's conviction. Blue had struggled with not getting to see her dad as often, but she'd done really well with Marshall. The two of them seemed to connect well.

"We did," he said, carefully kissing my lips so as to not get me covered in paint. "How are the twins?" He asked and I sighed.

"Cranky," I answered. "Clingy," I continued with a grimace. Marshall nodded and squeezed his hands where they rested on my hips.

"Who wouldn't be with a mom as hot as you are?" He asked, his eyes teasing. I socked him in the shoulder, blushing at the unexpected compliment.

Of course, Marshall laughed at the sight. Throughout it all, he'd never gotten tired of his game in making me blush. It had gotten a little harder as I'd gotten used to him, which he'd only taken as a challenge.

"I do love that," he murmured, his eyes coming to rest on my face. I smiled and then sighed.

"I'm sorry this cut into your studio time," I said softly. Marshall had gotten back in to record a couple of features a month ago and had begun some work on his own. His taking Blue out for the day had meant that he'd had to put it off.

"Don't be," he said. "Blue's my bud. I wouldn't let her just sit around while you take care of the nanny and the twins."

"I love you," I said softly. Marshall raised a hand to my face, his eyes turning intent as he looked into mine.

"I love you more and more every day," he responded. "I'd do anything for you."

He leaned in again, kissing me softly to seal his promise. I held him close as his hands slipped around my waist. My heart soaring, I pulled back to smile at him.

"Everybody else is asleep," I said. "What's say we cuddle up with Blue and watch?" I asked and Marshall nodded.


A/N: With that, we have the end to Marshall and Beyonce. I hope you liked it! I have shorts for Marshall and Fifty to complete, the Nicki x Em to get moving faster, and then a couple of outside of this genre stories to work on. Once I tie up some of the pending ones, I'll let you all know what's next. Until then, happy reading!

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