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Beyonce POV

For weeks, Marshall and I explored each other at night. In the day, when we weren't working, we developed a greater and greater appreciation for one another. Although we'd been friends for some time, there were things that we didn't know – the things you tell a lover but that you don't talk about otherwise. As the time moved on, we settled into the sweet relationship that I was frankly nervous about.

I'd had a man before who promised me the moon. I'd experienced the kind of love that I'd thought was unbreakable. Only, as the sunset fades, so had the love between Jay and I. While I worked hard not to judge Marshall by the actions of Jay, I couldn't help the persistent thoughts – doubts – that this would work out. It wasn't fair to Marshall, but I didn't know exactly how to shake them. I didn't, however, let the thoughts stop me.

Knowing that there was a good chance Blue would see us kiss at some point, I'd told her that Marshall and I were going to be hanging out more and that I really liked him. I didn't explain further than that at first. The conversation became more detailed, though, when I learned that Jay had already been questioning her about us.

Not wanting Jay to have outlined our relationship in Blue's mind, I had to spend the better part of an evening talking with her about it all. Although she was sad that her dad and mom weren't going to be together again, Blue seemed to take it well. From what I'd learned from the counselor I'd seen for her, I knew to expect that she might have more trouble with it later – that certain things might trigger a stronger sense of loss. For now, however, she seemed to be alright with it. It certainly helped that Marshall was good with the kids when they were around.

Although my daughter and my ex knew that Marshall and I were together, our status hadn't been made public. Jay hadn't said too much to the press lately. My guess was that he was still recovering from the responses to his actions and our song releases. Thus, while there was certainly speculation about us, no one knew for certain what was going on behind closed doors but Marshall and me.

"Hey, Bey?" Marshall called as he walked in the door.

He'd continued to insist that I stay here, whether the kids were with me or not, and I'd been completely unwilling to do otherwise. I knew the media was going to pick up on it eventually but I didn't really care. I expected that he and I would need to make an appearance relatively soon anyway, so the private bubble we were in was going to pop. We weren't going to hide forever.

"Kitchen," I responded, stirring the pasta in the pot. I'd gotten a wild hair for some noodles.

As I let the steam rise up around my face, I felt Marshall's strong hands slide over my hips to my abdomen, his lips pressing a soft kiss to the juncture of my neck and shoulder. I shivered a little, causing him to pull me tighter against his chest as he continued. Sighing into him, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feelings that he sparked in me. A year ago, I would never have guessed that I'd be happily purring in his arms.

"You making dinner, baby?" Marshall asked, scraping his teeth lightly over me. I whispered a slight moan. He knew that it drove me just a little bit crazy when he did that.

"Noodles sounded good," I responded, stirring half-heartedly.

"MMmm," he murmured, moving one hand to come up and fondle my breast as the other held me tight against him.

"I've been thinking about you all day," he said, his voice husky in my ear. "Maybe dinner can wait?" He asked, rolling my nipple slightly between his fingers as his other hand dipped low.

"I don't know," I said, my voice becoming breathy. "I'd have to have a good incentive," I noted. Marshall nipped the skin behind my ear as his hand undid the buttons of my jeans and his palm slid over the top of my panties, the heat there causing me to moan. His other palm squeezed and rolled my breast as his hips moved against me.

"I'll make it worth the wait," he promised. Flicking the burner off and pushing the pot off it, I leaned back into him and tilted my head to allow him better access to my neck.

"Then take me to bed, baby."


"You sure about this?" Em asked, looking at me from the doorway of the bedroom.

It had been nearly two months since we got together and I was readying to attend an awards ceremony. Marshall hated them, I knew, and would not be going but for the fact that I was a nominee. That, and I was pretty sure that he knew Jay would be there. To my knowledge, the two of them hadn't spoken since Jay had kissed me. Marshall didn't like the idea of leaving me to face my ex alone, even if I'd done it to exchange time with the kids.

I walked over to him, smiling as I slid my hands up his chest. As had become his habit, Marshall's arms came around me, his hands resting low on my back. I couldn't decide which of my physical attributes he liked best, but I had no doubt my butt was in the top three – his hands always seemed to end up there.

"I'm sure," I said, looking at him softly. I didn't doubt that he'd support me. He still, however, seemed to worry about what associating with him would do to me. It was sweet, but unnecessary.

"Really? 'Cause I can have someone craft you up whatever trophy you want. Three foot tall, plated gold, sparkling with diamonds," Em said, bending to kiss my neck. "Anything at all," he whispered.

I nodded, gripping his shirt tighter as his hands moved lower and pulled me close. The thrill I got from his attention would have been embarrassing if I didn't know that he was just as affected by me. Humming in my throat, I felt his hands squeeze in response.

"Can't make sounds like that, baby," he said softly against my ear. "Not if you want me to take you anywhere but against that wall." He threatened, the desire in his voice thick. I swallowed, loving how wonderful he felt; how he made me feel.

"Come on," I said, leaning back and looking into his heated eyes. "I promised I'd go and there isn't anyone else I'd rather have by my side."

"It might turn into a madhouse," Marshall warned, not for the first time. This would be our first public appearance together as a couple. Although he'd offered to act as if we were just friends, I'd told him I wasn't interested in hiding us any longer.

"You like crazy," I responded, teasing him. He nodded, his lips quirking just a little bit before he kissed me softly.

"Alright, then," he said, sighing when he pulled back. "We go," he continued, stepping to the side but keeping one hand on my opposite hip as we walked toward the door. "But don't expect me to be cool with him. He put his hands on you." I leaned into Em, kissing his cheek as we moved.

"I doubt we'll even come close to him."

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