Chapter 13

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Taylor POV

"So you're single?" he asked.

I nod, "Yup."

"How come?" he asked curiously. I sigh, "Chad and Sam sort of scare the boys away from me. Haven't I told you this already?" I whined. He laugh and shook his head.

After some movies, we ended up talking. I found out that Jared and Kayla got together when they were drunk. Not even a month later, they're already broken up. And Jared was a total huge player back in Amsterdam, which is not a surprise thing considering he is very well-known there.

"So how come you didn't hook up with any girl in our school or anyone?" I asked him casually. He smile, "Because a girl named Taylor Marty caught my attention on the first day when I bump to her in the morning at the hallway." he said.

I felt myself turning red. "Nawww you're blushing!" he cooed and pinch my cheek.

I scowl and slap his hand. He pull away and laugh. "But honestly you had me at 'I'm sorry'." he stated.

I look away and my lips stretch to a huge smile. He chuckled and intertwine our hands. I look back at him to see he's closing his eyes with a faint smile appear on his face.

The door to his room burst open and a two girls stood there staring at us. Jared open his eyes and groaned, "Go away girls."

They crossed their arms. Both are brunette with greenish grey eyes. They totally had a mix of their mother's look and father's, maybe. "I'm Kylie and this Charlie." one of the girl, I assume Kylie said.

"Oh Charlie is the one with dark hair streaks at her hair." the girl, Kylie said.

I hold my head. "God twins are confusing." I said. "Says the one who had a twin!" Jared retorted.

"We're fraternal twins! You can tell the difference. Huge differences. Want me to point that out?" I shot back. The twins giggle, "Well mum said that dinner will be ready in an hour." the girl with dark hair streaks said.

"Mmkay." Jared hum.

"How did you tell the difference?" I asked Jared quietly when they close the door and walk away. Jared shrug, "The way they dressed and act. Kylie is a total girlish while Charlie is more of sporty fun type." he answered.

I nod.

In a blink of an eye, I was push back on the bed and Jared is hovering over me. I narrowed my eyes at him. "So what's the difference?" he teased.

I groaned, "Jared get off." I whined.

He smirk, "Nope I like it here." he said and pressed his lower body to mine. A small moan escaped my lips before I quickly cover up my mouth, feeling so embarrassed. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about Taylor." He whisper quietly. He remove my hands and lean down ever so slowly.

He finally pressed his lips to mine. I response immediately without even thinking twice. Its like my body totally took control of me.

He deepened the kiss and his hands start trailing down my body. I pull away, needing air. He trail kisses down my neck and suck on the skin just under my ear. His hands slipped under my shirt, I couldn't help but let out a small moan which making him to groaned.

A knock on the door interrupted us. I jump and look at the door. "Jared! Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes!" I heard his mum said.

Jared didn't said anything, he continue sucking and trailing kisses. His hands found the hem of my shirt. "Jared! Don't make me go in there." she warned.

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