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Taylor POV

~Few years later~

"Jared, stop. We need to get ready." I whined as I tried to pry his hands off me. He chuckled as he buried his face at the crook of my neck and kiss the skin there. I giggle, "Sweetie don't." I laugh as I tried to pull away.

"Eww mummy and daddy doing it again!" I heard my six year old son exclaimed.

Jared pull away and I stare at our son, Joseph. He had my dirty blond hair and a mix of Jared and my eyes. Grayish blue eyes. "Mummy Mummy! Look what I draw!" My five year old daughter, Skylar said as she run up to me and show me the picture that she drew.

Yes, Jared and I are married for few years now. We had two kids already. We got engaged exactly at my second year of college when I got knocked up. We married a year later. And now, we are a happy family.

"Yes it's beautiful sweetheart. Now get ready for your cousin's birthday alright." I told them. Its Jamie's birthday today. She is 9 years old now. Joseph and Skylar squeal before they run off to change. Jared chuckled, "We make beautiful children." He stated as he put his hand over my slightly bump stomach.

I grunted. Yes, we are expecting a baby in few months.

Xander and Kat are engaged, but Kat is eight month pregnant now. They are getting married in few months. Sam are happily married with Jackie, when he finally get the courage to propose to her. And now, they had twins. Chad and Vanessa, they have gone wild. They had triplets few months after the got married. And now, Vanessa is pregnant with twins. Mum and dad got remarried last year, and they got on a love getaway for three months.

Gillian, Iggy and I made up right before I've gone for college after summer. They apologised and I forgave them. But we haven't been close since then.

Darrel and Clara are still in a relationship. They broke up few months ago, but somehow got back together last month. Darrel is planning on proposing her this weekend. So I'm very excited for that.

As for Kayla, well the last thing I heard about her, is that, she kind of got crazy. Her mum send her over to rehab once but she got worse. So she was sent to mental health institute. I guess, obsessed over someone can be a bad thing.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Jared voice cut my train of thoughts.

I smile and shook my head, "Just how perfect our life is right now." I told him and peck his lips. He chuckled, "Yes I'm very happy that we got through everything together. I love you." He said.

I smile, "I love you always have and always will."

"Daddy you giving mummy the look again." Joseph spoke from the doorway. I laugh and look at my kids, "Are you guys ready?"


Yes it's a short chapter. Cause that's the closure. Any who, as you guys know I'm writing a new book, The School's Troublemaker. And Joseph and Skylar will be there. A whole lot of the character from this book will be there. So it's like a spin-off. So go check it out yeah! Thank you all for reading this book, I really really appreciate every single soul who read this from the start til the end! 

Now I'm gonna stop ranting and end this off by saying I love you guys so much! You are beautiful and special every single one of you, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Never forget that!

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