Main Three

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  At Nikki's and Neil's house, there have been changes recently after being in Camp Cambell like ten years ago. You may be wondering what has happened? Well, what happened may surprise you the most. Candy and Carl married each other after the incident at Parents Day. Which makes  Nikki and Neil step brother and step sister. No one knew this was coming, right? Anyways, Nikki was in the bathroom getting ready for high school at Sleepy Peak High. Nikki was wearing a jacket, a pair of Converse which were red, black jeans, a blue and red cap.  Nikki looked at the mirror trying to finish her hair until a knock was heard at the door. "Nikki!" Neil said through the door. "Dad has to go to the bathroom, hurry it up!" Nikki rolled her eyes and let out a groan and left out of the bathroom door. "Finally you get out!" Neil said while fixing his glasses. Nikki just rolled her eyes."I just needed  my hair, Neil." "Well.." Neil said helping his father into the restroom "I told you not to call Max at the night." Nikki just passed Neil and headed to her room to get ready. Nikki sat on the bed and rolled her eyes. "Now where is my stupid backpack!" Her room was quite messy after all  Neil told her before to be clean. After searching in all of her dirty clothes and piles of mysteries. She finally found the bag she was looking for, suddenly she picked it up and saw a white piece of paper fall out. She quickly grabbed the paper and unfolded it. It showed a photo of her and her two friends, Max and Neil, now her stepbrother. Nikki stared at it for a couple of moments. "Nikki!" Neil said by the front of her door. "Did you talk to Max for four hours!" Neil said looking at his new and improved Neil phone.  "Why do you have to see my conversations!" Nikki said while stuffing the photo into her pocket. "Because I am a genius for putting a chip in everyone's Neil phones to see conversations." "Damn it!" Nikki said while getting her backpack. "That asshole Harrison," Neil said under his breath. "Why can't you let go of his magic?" "Nikki you'll understand when you're like me." "The crazy maniac that won't let go of anything," Nikki said under her breath. Neil rolled her eyes. "Anyways has Max texted you about him coming to school?" Nikki shook her head. " This is going to be the 8th time already." "Well, Max should be somewhere, unless he went through his episodes of drinking," Nikki said with a shrug. "Come on Nikki let's go!" Neil said sounded like he was pissed off. "Wait what about Max?" "We already know he is not going to school." A Bling came from Nikki's  Neil Phone. 
Max: Say Nik, I need to tell you I am not going to school, DON'T TELL NEIL.
Nikki: I think that is a bad idea...
Max: What do you mean?
(Neil joined the chat)
Max: Shit
Neil: Wtf, so you lied to me in the morning! When Nikki was in the restroom!
Max: Hey, what can I say hangover.
Nikki: So you were still not coming
Max: Nope
Neil: Well since we need to hurry up for school you are not welcomed inside the house!
Nikki: Neil!
Neil: Nikki as your big brother, he cannot come inside
Max: Whoa Neil I thought we were friends, not soulmates.
(Neil blocked Max from the chat)
Nikki: WTF! Neil what in the world!
Neil: What he started with me!
Nikki: Still you know he was playing around
Neil: Nikki end of discussion!
Neil looked at Nikki and went out of the door. He stopped for a moment to grab the keys to the car. "Fuck Neil," Nikki said under her breath. Nikki followed along with Neil. "Bye, dad," Neil said before leaving. "Remeber to be cool stay in school!" Carl said before closing the bathroom door. "Oh god," Neil said trying not to cringe at the moment. Nikki laughed little at that comment. "Man." Nikki thought inside her head, "This is basically our last year of High school, I don't want to lose my friends yet we still have a long way." Nikki shook her thoughts out of her head and followed Neil to the car, Which was just a blue car, Neil turned the key of the car door, which opened. Before he could put his things inside the car, Nikki asked... "Can I drive?" Sounding all excited. "No Nikki" Neil said getting himself inside the car. "Oh come on Neil, I only crashed the car once," Nikki said waiting for Neil to open the passenger's seat for her. "You were drunk! Which caused to get in a car crash, that day at Alice's party!" Neil said while clicking the button to open Nikki and placed his things behind him. "Well, Tabii was drunk so don't get mad at me!" Nikki while putting her backpack behind her as well. "But, I didn't let her drive," Neil said rolling his eyes, turning the engine, and backing up slowly. "Whatever Neil." "So, you and Max texted each other from 10 PM-2 AM." "Look Neil Max and I were just talking okay." "I know but, I find it weird between you two." Nikki turned at Neil for a moment, "Neil, Max and I are friends." Nikki thought for a moment. Max and I friends?! I loved Max forever since the beginning... 10-year-old self, looking at his bluish-green eyes and had many adventures with him, along with Neil. Man, that would suck if, I would never see him ever again. "Nikki," Neil said to Nikki making her forget what she was thinking. "Huh?" I said looking at Neil. "I was thinking..." He said sounding uneasy, "I wanted to know, do you like Max.." "What!? No of course not." I said trying to hide my blush. Why would he ask me that?! " Nikki.." He said now sounding concerned. Why can't he get off my back... I mean seriously he is getting on my nerves... " What Neil!" I said as I snapped at him. "Nothing, but I wouldn't want you guys alone." Suddenly there was a stop, I turned my head to the passenger side and saw the school... Sleepy Peak High School. Nikki let out a groan, "This is just perfect." Neil unlocked the door, Nikki jumped out of the car. "Um.Nikki." Neil said pointing at her belongs which were in the back of the passenger's seat. "Oh, right." Nikki her belongs and headed out towards the doors, " I will be back, I just need to park the car." Neil called out before driving off, but before she could she heard some annoying girls behind her. "Oh god." "Omg is that Nikki," Nikki knew that voice from anywhere she turned around and found the flower scouts, well no longer flower scouts anymore. Tabii, Erin and Sasha. "Hi, flower scouts," I said boredom. Tabii saw Neil finally made it. "Neilykins!" She said running towards him. "Oh god!" Neil quickly started running, towards the doors as well as Tabii chasing after him. "Oh, my god Tabii, why do you seriously embarrass yourself," Erin said rolling her eyes. "I know why can't she get the hint that he doesn't love her. Anyways surprising what your wearing." Sasha said sounding annoyed. "Well, thanks," I said. "Um, Sasha," Erin said sounding awkward. "What Erin! Oh my god." Sasha said. I looked at the direction where they were looking at Ashley's. Yes, I know this is like mean girls. Ashley s. a punk girl, Ashley M. a fat ass bitch but, look a bodyguard in a strip club, and Ashley P. the leader who was the shortest of the other girls. " Why the Ashley's?" Sasha said under breath.  I saw they were in their little group but, for some reason more girls than usual. "What's the special occasion?" Tabii said holding Neil by his turtle neck. "Tabii, please let go of me," Neil said trying to get out of her grip.  Nikki headed towards the group and saw the most popular boy in school "John Goodman"  " That's enough ladies, there's more of me to go around." Nikki blushed a bit but, shook the thought of John and went back to Sasha. "Well?" Sasha demanded. " Nothing it was John," I replied. "Oh god, the hottest guy in school," Sasha said with excitement. "He literally is fucking badass," Erin said to Sasha. "Like whatever, I wouldn't fuck him. The only man I would fuck is Neilykins." Tabii said stroking his arm. Neil looked at Tabii and pushed her aside and headed inside right away. "what did I say?" Tabii called after Neil. Erin and Sasha just rolled their eyes.  Suddenly, Nikki saw John walking up to her. Oh god. Nikki thought what do I do? "Hey there, Nikki." John said. "Um, hi?" Nikki said sounding nervous. "So your busy Friday night?" John said looking at her. "Um.." Before Nikki could give a response, the bell rang.  "Talk to you later." John said running towards the doors. Nikki gave an unsure look. "What was that!" Sasha said grabbing Nikki's arm and dragging her towards the doors. "What?" I said. "Like seriously, you should've got his number." Erin said with her arms crossed walking. "Yeah, like me and Neil." Tabii said smiling. "No!" Erin and Sasha said. This is going to be a long year. The beginning starts here.
Sorry, I wasn't able to publish this earlier, I had many things to do first before doing this. But I promise sexual content would come soon. Comment below would you want next to happen. (FuntimeFreddy01 out).

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