The Cool, Creative, Tough and Space Kids

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(Nurf's POV)
It was late in the morning, I was laying in bed not giving a shit about school, my apartment wasn't the best but, after Camp Campbell, I lived with my mom was in jail who was by the time in jail for stabbing my abusive dad and literally kicked his ass, that was hilarious.... But, anyways my mom was finally out of jail for the first time, I remember my mom wanted me to do well in school, which sucked... I really didn't care about that, but I guess it's for my mom... moving on I was sleeping in my wrecked apartment, tired I didn't care... but, I heard my mom walk through the door and turned on my light "Nurf honey could you hand me the knife." My mom said looking at me, I remembered although my mom was free the police wanted to check on her to see she wouldn't kill anyone else. "Sure mom." I get up from my wrecked mattress, around my room there are posters of boxers, I knew ever since I was 10 I had issues for anger management, I won't let myself get the therapy I needed... Most of the questions were very stupid. "How was your childhood?" Did you have a good relationship with your father?" But, anyways my mom had hand-cuffs, I grabbed the knife for her and began helping her around the house. Afterward, I just grabbed chips for breakfast and looked at my mom, gave a hug, and said: "I love you." I left out the door... This is my last year in high school after all... I decided I wanted to change but, until I saw space kid, "Maybe tomorrow, hey douche bag get over here!"
(Space Kid's POV)
Once I heard Nurf's voice I knew that meant, I was going to get hit. I quickly turned around and saw Nurf was behind me and grabbed my underwear and yanked it in the air. I was in pain, I fucking hated it... "H-Hey, Nurf." I said trying to ignore the pain, besides I had worse before. " HAHAHA." He said laughing, while I knew it was starting to hurt. Finally, he let go of me... I was glad I knew I had to pull out my wedgie in the bathroom... "Now that made my day." He said. I gave a nervous chuckle, Nurf was really a bully and a friend at the same time, although he knew how to play "Space Invaders", he was an a-okay person to hang out with... We started walking away from Nurf's house. I had my mind in different things inside my head, I had a test for science and had my mind on the most beautiful girl in the whole school "Maggie Washington" she wants to become a commandant in the space program, plus great for me she's in my science class... Many people call her fat I mean she is still cute inside and out, I just wish I could not walk away from her each time she tries to talk to me. At the second we turn the street, I see Dolph who was sketching a tree, I wanted to say hi but, I saw Maggie talking to him. Now that really ticked me off, I should do something... I quickly headed straight to Dolph, "Interesting, what else could you draw?" She says looking at Dolph. " Well, everyone loves my drawings," he said smiling at Maggie. I went up to Dolph and said: "What are you doing?" "Nothing, what are chu doing?"  Before I could say anything else I heard laughing from Maggie, I turned my head toward her... "Um, Neil your underwear is hanging out.."  I turned red..."Right... we must be going." I said grabbing Dolph's arm who was holding his sketchbook and grabbed Nurf's arm passing Maggie embarrassed than what I was.  Nurf and Dolph began laughing, I was pissed at the moment... That was embarrassing... We were almost at school...  Until we all saw Ered who was leaning against the wall of the school, she had pink lipstick and her cool clothing shown in the photo above.
(Dolph's POV)
* He's German okay, bare with me. At the second I saw Ered, I knew my heart dropped. I adored Ered during and after camp, but, with space kid it was hilarious... "Hey, dudes," Ered says looking at the boys. Space kid waved still red, after the accident earlier, Nurf rolled his eyes, and with me, I just said "G-Guten Tag Ered." I said sounding nervous. "Why the hell are you outside?" Nurf said to Ered. "Um, because I am waiting for my cool friends... douche," Ered said to Nurf, turning away from him. "I thought we are your cool friends?" Space kid said to Ered. "Space dude, you are but, not as cool as my friends," Ered said to Space kid. I knew that second she wanted "Mark".  He's just like Ered except for he way cooler. I was blind for love as well, but, good for her...  "What's that you got?" Ered said to me. "Um, nothing just my sketchbook... I-" Before I could finish my sentence, she snatched it away...flipping through the pages, check out my drawings... "Dude, love your work, it's really... um... it's cute." Ered said blushing a bit and smiling. I was confused, looking at Ered. "I mean thank you... I know I am very satisfying." I say pretending to flex in front of her. "Thanks, dude," Ered said but, once I was about to thank her she kissed the sketchbook and tore a page out, at first I was mad but, she showed me there was nothing ripped, I gave a sigh of relief, then she gave me a kiss on my cheek, the stain of her pink lipstick was on me, I began blushing madly. "See you." She winked at me and left with her hands in her pockets. I was smiling and turned to Space Kid who was smiling as well. "What?" "That is cute, you are going to get married, and have a child named Dolph Jr." Space Kid said to Dolph. "Until you guys divorce and she kicks your ass when you choose your career instead of her." Nurf said putting his hand on Dolph's shoulder. I just shook my head and said: "Shut up both of chu."  "Sorry for the truth." Space Kid said with shrug. "Let's go inside before I pound both of you if we don't get breakfast." The three of the boys left inside the building, Nurf ran faster than both of them. "Say why was Ered blushing?" Space Kid said to Dolph while walking to the cafeteria. "I don't know besides at least I have my..." I stopped and looked at the sketchbook. "What's the matter?" Space Kid said to Dolph as they both were almost inside the cafeteria. "She ripped a page from my sketchbook and said thanks." "Which picture was it?" Space Kid said to Dolph while opening the door for him. "The drawing of herself."
(Ered's POV)
Once I saw the boys leave, I reached into my pocket the crushed paper I stole from Dolph's Sketchbook, I looked at the masterpiece he made of me it looked wonderful, it was myself on a skateboard with my band shirt, ripped jeans, boots, and my cool sunglasses. I knew Dolph wouldn't find out one way or another. I kind of had a crush on Dolph, Before I could continue my thoughts I heard someone behind me said. "Sup Slut." Mark said behind me with his skateboard. "Well isn't it douche bag." I said cracking a smile. "How are you, Meredith." Mark said giving me his handshake. "Fine, you falling math." "You falling in every subject." He said with his arms crossed looking at me. "Touch'e." I say rolling my eyes."So... he began" you know there's this party on Friday at Allison's." "You mean that uptight bitch, whose jealous of every girl in the school." Ered said to Mark who looked surprised. "Sounds like your the jealous type, huh?" Mark says to Ered getting a little close to her. "Not really, and have you heard of personal space." Ered said backing away from him. "Umm, not really, what's that?" Mark said going to her lips but, Ered pushed him back a bit. "Dude, I think your drunk or something?" Ered said backing away. "Oh, come on you and I have been friends longer than that mini Hitler." Mark said going close to her grabbing her waist. I started getting mad in my thoughts I felt like kicking him in the crouch. "Look I gotta go." Ered said breaking up whatever this is, heading towards the doors. I left Mark standing there all alone. "Jeez, what a man." I say to myself. I headed toward the cafeteria and saw Dolph and Space Kid sitting in a table talking, I went to their table to give myself a seat at the table. 
"So like I was saying... Space Kid says: old people make me laugh when they fall down."
"I think it's funnier if they fall down in the stairs," Dolph says drawing a picture of an old person.
"Or in wheelchairs."
Ered rolled her eyes and looked at them both.
They seemed to laugh about their subject.
Until I finally kicked one of them under the table.
Space Kid turned to Ered and said: "Look Dolph it's your girlfr-"
Before Space Kid could finish his sentence, Dolph covered his mouth.
I laughed and looked at Dolph with a grin.
Dolph just blushed and went back to drawing old people falling in his sketchbook.
There was silence until Nurf came back with Pancakes on his plate more than three.
"What?" Nurf said digging into his pancakes.
"Nothing." They say.
"So... you guys going to Allison's party," Ered says to them.
"Hell yes, then we can take their fridge into the ditch," Nurf says with a pancake in his mouth.
"Well, I think so... but I have an art competition on Friday, going to Houston," Dolph said.
"Oh... well," Ered said sounding disappointed "We could party at my house."
Dolph looked at Ered with a confusing look on his face. "Who's we?"
"I think she means only you two or us?" Space Kid said to Dolph.
"Umm... well..I.," Ered said now she was blushing. 
Dolph laughed a little "Well only us?"
"I guess so..." Ered said turning away.
"Alright then," Dolph said.
The bell rang, and all the students started heading to their first period.
I thought to myself, "Okay it's only Dolph and me." 
Lots of kids were rushing through the hallways, and we begin our story.


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