Rich Kidz

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I wondered what John wanted to ask me about Friday? Anyways walking through the halls the flower scouts moved somewhere in the crowd, poor Neil, Tabii still is very obsessed with him even in and after  Camp.  I saw many kids rushing through, although I find it funny I was thinking what am I going to do after high school? I really don't want to continue working at that food place being a waitress. Before I could continue my thoughts I saw Harrison walking with his head down. "Hey, Harrison," I say to him. He looked at me and gave me a wave but, was kind of walking sideways for some reason. "Hi, Nikki..." Harrison says uncomfortably."What's the matter with you?" I ask him. "'s nothing really just tired and exhausted."He answered."Well, you're already heading to English?" "Yep, and I don't want to miss it," Harrison says moving away. I waved at Harrison before he ran off. I left the opposite way and headed down the hallway. "Hey, Nikki." I turned around and looked at John. "Um... hey John," I say nervously. "So, who was that?" "My friend." "He looks like a faggot." I turned at him angerly."Excuse me, John, my friend is not a faggot he is a great magician." "Anyways I wanted to ask you something." He said pinning Nikki to the wall. I looked at him and just stared. "Are you free tonight?" He said to me. "I can't...I have something important to do." I said slipping away from him. "How about Friday?" He said grabbing my arm. "I have to go..." "Ohh... come on babe." He said now starting to strangle my arm. He started to kiss my neck and said:" You are my property." I tried to wiggle free but, I couldn't."Yo, what gives!" I say to this dick. But, then someone said: "Dick's head let her go!" He turned and saw Max looking at him. "What do you want!" "Look retard I told you to let her go!" Max said looking at John. "Max! Where the hell were  you." I yelled at him. "Look why don't you go back to bombing  countries terrorist!" John said to Max while holding Nikki by the waist. "Okay, first off you sound more retarded than you really are!" Max said to John. John pushed Nikki to the floor and put his fists up. Max rolled his eyes and did the same as well. Oh shit... must do something I saw the fire alarm without thinking I pulled it and there it rang.
As I started moving away from Nikki, it's not because I dislike her or anything but, after having sex with my enemy, I really feel tired and I need to get Nerris off my mind. I could even remember what she did and what I did I guess it was my first reaction. (Flashback) "Let's have some fun," Nerris said. I smiled at Nerris and stopped licking her. Nerris looked at Harrison and switched positions with Harrison. I looked at her on top of me my breath was very uneasy,  she was putting her area on top of him and slowly began moving her hips. It felt good to me, I unclipped her bra exposing her breasts, I felt embarrassed but, at the same time, it was a good pleasure. At first, Nerris was surprised but, all she did was throw her bra on the floor and said:" You suck Harrison." "And you swallow Nerris." I felt her pussy, and I began to kiss her neck but, once I heard her moan it felt like heaven. "Harry...Harry..." Nerris began to whine to me. I couldn't help but, laugh a little went close to her face and whispered in her ear. "Someone's perky."Nerris looked at Harrison breathing heavenly. "Shut up... Harry."(End of Flashback) "Harrison? Earth to Harrison." Nikki said to Harrison who finally stopped daydreaming." Huh?" "Are you alright? You look like you went into space or something." I looked at her for a long time and headed down the hall. Once I turned back Nikki was gone. What was this feeling? I said heading toward the English hall. Until the sound of the fire alarm was rung, I headed out the door.
Meanwhile with Nerris (POV)
I was walking toward economics although, I was feeling tired with every step I take and sore. I looked around me to see nobody around... I knew I loved Harrison a stupid magician, and I was an elfkin mage and we didn't mix well... It felt like a dream but, except that dream left her to be sore. This feels like an unexpected love... (Flashback) "Shut up...Harry." I say to Harrison, while I was feeling his dick in my pussy. Harrison gave me his cocky smile and traced my body with his hand. It felt electric coming from my spine, I smiled weakly at him. He just chuckled. "Can't handle it?" He said to me while cupping my breasts. "Aren't your gloves going to get dirty?" I say to him. "Oh shit, I forgot." He said looking at me he was about to get up. I took off his gloves and threw them on the ground. "See better?" I say to him. Harrison rolls his eyes and says"You really don't want me to stop?" "I'm sorry it feels good." Harrison smiles at Nerris but, this time he licks his index finger and touches Nerris's nipple, to make his finger go around tracing her nipple. I groaned I put my hands on top of his bare chest and started moving my hips. Now I really wanted to fuck him. But, now I started groaning and moaning. "Nerris I need to go," Harrison said to me when we started going faster and I didn't want to get pregnant. So I got off him and underneath him and decided to give him a blow job. After that Harrison and I looked at one another. "You fucking bitch," Harrison said to me catching his breath. "I am one of the best." Until we heard someone bang on the door... Oh shit. Harrison grabbed the covers and went inside I went inside as well. We saw Preston. "WHAT THE FUCK! I WAITED FOR YOU GUYS FOR A FEW MINUTES AND YOU GO FUCK ONE ANOTHER!" "Sorry?" Harrison said with a shrug. (End of Flashback)
I shook the feeling out of my mind and kept on going... I went inside the classroom and went to my usual seat I saw Preston yelling from the side of the room with Olive from the other side.
After finally running far away from Tabii... I saw Nerris sitting down in her usual seat in the front. I went to sit down right next to her. "FUCKING OLIVE!" Preston shouted from across the room. "Sorry Pres, just love your adorable ass." Olive teases from the other side of the room. Neil rolled his eyes "Hey Nerris." "Oh...hey Neil," Nerris said to me while scribbling something in her notebook. "Whatcha writing?" I say to her taking out my textbook. "Nothing really just writing a quote."She responds with a smile. I shrug and move on what I am doing, I remember what happened in the morning. (Flashback) Nikki just passed Neil and headed to her room to get ready. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen, I saw Candy looking through her phone with her left hand, the second she looked at me with her cigarette in her left hand, I saw a bag of Victoria's Secret. I rolled my eyes. She passed me with her things until a pink thong fell out of the bag. At first, I thought this was ridiculous with my shoe I pushed the underwear. Candy looked through her bag to notice something was missing, about to leave until she turned to what Neil was doing."You little pervert!" She growled to Neil. "I didn't do shit! Your little undergarments fell on the floor." Neil pointing his finger at Candy and to the thong. "Well, aren't you supposed to pick them it!"She said waiting patiently. "Um... first off I don't know where they have been and second that's disgusting," I said to her. "If I was your age I would kick your ass!" Candy said to him, once she picked up her underwear. "I guess I would give you an IQ test," Neil said to Candy. "What I never!" She said to him and left upstairs. I guess I need to get Nikki. (End of Flashback) 
"Say Neil maybe we could play DnD after school?"Nerris said to Neil breaking his thoughts. "Um... sure nerris," Neil said towards her. "Okay cool," Nerris said to Neil. This is going to be a long day. RING. RING.RING!
Preston's (POV)
"OHHH...COME ON, I HAVE THEATER AFTER THIS!" I said walking with my belongings with me. Olive cupped me from underneath, once we left the classroom."GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I said to her. She couldn't help but, laugh and walked with us (Neil and Nerris) I saw Harrison outside of the school. "Say, dudes, we got out early fuck yeah!" Ered said with a smile on her face. "Why did we get out early, we had a really nice aerospace engineering teacher." Space kid said to Dolph. "I am mad as you I had to finish my painting!" Dolph said to Space kid. "They were giving out of free snacks although I am supposed to give the teachers a snack in their boxes," Nurf said. "Hey!"A teacher says to Nurf. Nurf flips one of them off. Everyone was outside the school, but then we all saw Nikki with her fists clenched and Max with blood on his hands. "Jesus Christ!" Neil said looking at Nikki and Max. "OH MY GOD IM GONNA BE SICK!" I say heading towards a trashcan. "What happened with you guys?" Nerris says looking at them both. "It's a long story," Nikki said with tears in her eyes. "It looks like you just killed someone," Ered said to Max. "I wish but, no I just punched his jaw," Max said looking at his hands. "Why is there so much blood?" Harrison questioned while shuffling his cards. "He hit more than one thing," Nikki said looking at Max's hands. "So why did you come at the last minute?" Neil said with his arms crossed. "Well, I was about to apologize and I didn't want to talk to Gwen and David about a lecture about school." "Why do you think the fire alarm was pulled?" Dolph said sketching inside his sketchbook.  "Actually I-" Before Nikki could finish her sentence, the income began. "ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS! EVERYONE BACK IN CLASS IT WAS A FALSE ALARM! REPEAT IT'S A FALSE ALARM!" All students proceeded to their classrooms, all except the gang. "Oh my god! Preston hurry up!" Max said with his bleeding hands. "IM SORRY I HAVE A WEAK STOMACH!" He yelled back before he could continue Olive stepped in front of him. "Say Pres... How about we fuck." Olive said in front of him. NO... NOW MOVE!" "But, that's not the response I wanted." She coming closer to me. "MOVE BEFORE I THROW UP ON YOU!" I said to her before it was too late. "Well..." But before I could respond... let's just say it happened.
I was busy eating the chocolate chip cookies made for those teachers but, the second I turned I saw a monster with green vomit on her. I couldn't help but, laugh. Preston was holding his stomach, Nikki started giggling, Neil couldn't stand the smell, Max couldn't help but, comment "Well, you're fucked, cheerleader!", Harrison looked at Nerris and smiled, Nerris stared back at him and grinned, Dolph took a step back with his sketchbook, Space Kid stared and backed away, and Ered just laughed along." ugh... Preston!" She said to him. "THAT'S WHAT YOU DESERVE BITCH!"
Olive that bitch left. I looked at Dolph and said "Man what a wreck." I said to Dolph. "I could agree with you more." Dolph said to me. Man, why am I acting so uncool and weird? I just shaked my head and continued "So ready for Thursday?" I said making conversation. "Yeah... I just wait for Thursday." He blushed a bit. Crap. "Hey! love birds hurry up!" Max said. Suddenly Nikki ripped part of her shirt and held his hands. I and Nerris smiled at her. Nikki just smiled.
Space Kid's(POV)
I looked at Dolph and gave him a smile. "Shut up..." Dolph said to me. I smiled and kept on walking. "Do you still have your wedgie?" Dolph told me which made me red. I looked at him angerly, which caused him to run.
I started running away from Space thing. I kept on laughing my lungs started to hurt. Until I heard. "Dudes get over here." Ered said. The gang went near Max and Nikki.
"Thanks Nik." I said to Nikki "No problem." "Why don't we ditch?" Ered said. "I'm fucking in." Nurf said. "WELL, I MEAN I FEEL SICK, FUCK THIS SHIT!" Preston said to them. "Um... I don't know..." Neil said "We need to be at school." Space Kid said. "Besides I think were already late." Nerris said rolling her eyes. "Alright fine... we'll go to class after school let's go to the ditch." Max said. "Why?" Dolph said. "Guys, trust me... after all I got stabbed badly." Max said making a grin. Everyone looked at one another and nodded. #PUSSIESFORLIFE

Now High School will begin

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Now High School will begin... New foes and many sexual attention.. :). (Funtimefreddy01 out)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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