Performance Squad

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Before school
(Preston's POV)
Now moving on, of course, I will add the other characters. Anyways, Preston Goodplay a theatrical kid still stayed in the arts. One morning, Preston slept on his bed with only his laptop on with playing the audio "Heathers: Candy Store" Preston had many posters of similar musicals such as: "Dear Evan Hansen", "Chicago", "Grease", and etc." In his room and had his eye mask that said "Fabulous" wearing his blue boxers and t-shirt that said "Don't worry I will clap when I am truly impressed", still covered with the blanket of "Hamilton". He heard a knock on his door. "WHAT!" He said sounding half asleep. "Preston Goodplay, you have school today!" His mother shouted at him behind the door. "I DON'T NEED YOU TO CONTROL MY LIFE, WOMAN!" Preston shouted while turning to his side. "Preston I am literally going to count to three!" His mother sounded pissed off. "One!" Preston turned to look at the clock to see it was 7:15 am. "Two!" Preston rolled his eyes and slowly got up. "Three!" His mother tried to open the door but, it was locked. "Preston open this door!" "SEE YOU IN A HOUR!" He shouted back and turned up the volume of Heathers, while his mother was shouting.
(Nerris's POV)
Okay, anyways... At Nerris's house, the young mage was fast asleep. She was dreaming about something... which was her defeating the dragon. Nerris was using her magic spells to stop the universe from ending, each enemy was slowly dying such as goblins, trolls, etc. "Come on, give him everything you got!" Nerris shouted to her elf army because she's half elfkin after all. "Fair lady!" One of the elves said, trying to fight off a goblin. "Look out!" Nerris looked behind her and found the dark mage with his cloak covering his entire body, using his fire to defeat her. Nerris quickly moved out of the way. "You have no matched for me!" The dark mage said approaching to Nerris giving her an evil smile. "If I could defeat your army," Nerris said taking out her sword "Then you are weak!" "Is that so, after all..." The dark mage revealed after removing his cloak which showed Harrison, "I am greater in magic than you!" Nerris's eyes widen to see her enemy and crush was the dark mage."Harrison!?!?" She said with her sword in her hand. "Nerris, time to get up." She woke up from her sleep. She turned to see her father. "Nerris time for school, young elfkin." "Thanks, dad," Nerris said while rubbing her eyes.  Man, she thought Harrison was the bad guy? Meh. Makes no difference. Nerris went to go change into clothes. Which are shown above? Nerris headed downstairs, where her father and mother were making breakfast. "Good morning young elfkin." My father said with a smile on his face. "Good morning Nerris." My mother said giving me a tight hug. I smiled a bit, and still tired. "Morning mom and dad." I am the same 10-year-old self, still in love with DnD. "Well, how is your last year in high school?"Dad said handing me a plate of pancakes. "Good I guess, say has Preston came by?" Nerris said with a smile spreading across of her face. "No honey." Mom said with tears in her eyes. Out of nowhere, I heard knocking at the door. My mother opened the door, and guess who?  Preston looked at my mother, then at me. He looked pissed, not in a good mood. "HELLO MA'AM, NERRIS LET'S GO." He said before I could even say a word that I was about to eat. He grabbed me and headed out the door with my plate. "Hold on!" I said as I pulled away from his grip. "WHAT!" He said looking at me. "I need my stuff, bitch," I said walking back, but my parents decided to give my belongings to me instead. "Thanks..." I said to my parents who had to walk across the yard. "Be careful honey." Mom said hugging me. "See you young elfkin." My father said giving me a kiss on my cheek. Preston was already in the car, honking the horn. "alright, I get!" I waved back, gathered my things, and my plate... into the car. This is going to be a long ride. I thought.
(Harrison's POV)
The alarm clock went as I turn to my side. I groaned and turned it off... "Man, what time is it?" It was 7:45 am. "Shit!" I quickly hurried to the shower, with my clothes. I passed my father and mother which were by my door. I knew what they were going to say, "Harrison, is practice working out?" or "Harrison can't go out because he has homework." I don't know, ever since William disappeared by a trick, I couldn't handle myself. But, after years of "Practice" after age 14, I gave up on it. I knew it was devastating to my parents, but I needed to see there was no hope left. I finally headed inside the shower, thinking of William. But, I knew my mother and father closed his room and locked it, just to make sure I wouldn't go in. I knew my parents found out I handled my magic perfectly. Now with my parents suddenly started talking to me, I had to sit in the back of our truck at age 10. I heard a knock at the door... "Yes!" I shouted back while the water running. "Harrison..... your... friends are here.." I heard my mother say from the door. "Ok!" I say finishing my shower. 
Preston and Nerris were sitting on the couch... while Harrison's parents were in the kitchen talking. "So... why were you mad?" Nerris asked Preston. "I WAS MAD? NO, I AM FURIOUS BECAUSE I LOCKED MY MOTHER OUT OF MY ROOM, BUT SHE FORCED ME OUT BY MY MUSICALS WERE IN THE LIVING ROOM!" " And why were they in the living room?" Preston stood silence for a few moments.. and turned away. "I THINK WE'RE DONE WITH THIS CONVERSATION!" Nerris rolled her eyes and looked at her pancakes..... and began eating. Preston looked at her and gave her a disgusted look. "THAT IS DISGUSTING!" "Why?" "YOU ARE EATING WITH YOUR HANDS!" "So?"  "THAT IS DISGUSTING!" "Whatever.." "ANYWAYS HARRY'S TAKING A LONG TIME," Preston complained as he was drumming his fingers. "I'll just check on him, ok," Nerris said pasting his parents. "SO THAT YOU COULD SUCK HIS..." Nerris turned at Preston and said, "Fuck you!"  
(Harrison's POV)
I finally got out of the shower, drying my hair.  I was only wearing a towel. I quickly headed to my room, "Need to get changed." I remember the magic that I still do today... But, not in front of my parents, they are still are hoping for me to bring my brother back... Suddenly I heard a knock, I just groaned and said: "Who is it?"No one answered. I swear if it is my parents I said to myself. Suddenly the door opened "It's me you, idiot!" Nerris said looking at Harrison. It was awkward silence between them. "Could I help you Nerris?" I said waiting for her stupid comeback. "Um... nothing, how was your shower?" She said sounding a little nervous. "Are you staring at the future magician," I said flexing in front of Nerris. " What? No! You'll fail in your first performance!" She shouted back at me, with her blushing. I began to laugh. "You're a stupid idiot!" Nerris said while rolling her eyes. " At least I'm not the one blushing!" I told her, grabbing my clothing. Nerris was furious at that moment, she looked at Harrison and with a smirk, she pinned him to the wall.  Making Harrison drop his clothing from his hands, I looked at Nerris and I laughed nervously. She kissed my neck, I began to moan a little. I had the intention to take off her shirt. But, instead, I switched positions with her. She looked at me and said, "Show me your magic." I rolled my eyes and brought her face close to me. "Show me how fast you roll those dice of yours over the years," I said as I throw her to my bed. 
(Nerris POV) 
I was thrown to the bed and looked at Harrison who was on top of me. I knew two could play at this game. At first, I began to stroke him underneath and he began moaning. He put my hands above my head as he pinned me down, with one hand he took off my glasses. I just smiled and began getting a bit horned up. "Could I?" He asked with the same hand he took off my glasses, about to take off my shirt. "Yes, you may," I say looking at him, moaning in delight. He gave me a smirk and rolled his eyes. He began taking off my shirt slowly. I groaned a little, although I was already exposed my blue bra to Harrison. "Aww... Nerris you would look sexier in a red one instead of blue." He began to tease. Out of nowhere, even he was surprised himself I took off his towel exposing his dick. "What's the matter, Harry? I had to see what's so magical you were hiding underneath that towel." I teased back at him. "Well... He began to say unbuttoning my pants and lowering them to my ankles, "I want to see the magic too." With his tongue, he licked me, from my bra to my blue panties. I began to moan even more. I looked at him and saw he was half-hard... "Oh, Harry this is only the beginning no need to have a boner early in the morning." I just went underneath him and said: "Say I could blow you if you like?" He looked at her and said, "Well if you do that I have no choice but, to spank you." He said with a smirk. "I could deal with that." I said and as I was about to suck him, he grabbed my hair and pulled it back. " I told you no." Harrison said. "Well, I say yes." Nerris said as she pulled away from him pulling her hair. I went down on him and began sucking. Harrison, on the other hand, began groaning, he pulled her hair again and she began to moan as well but, kept going. "Nerris... Nerris." He began to say and that's when the real action began. He carried her and she began to laugh, then he put her down and as he sat on the  bed and said: "Come here." Nerris rolled her eyes and gave a smirk. "I need an apprentice for this trick." She went to him and bent her over his knees, "I told you and you don't listen and that's why you're a bitch." He began to spank her. " Harry... I'm sorry for being a bad girl... Please Mr. magician, stop punishing me.." "Don't worry its part of the trick." He said and he grabbed her panties from behind and pulled them up. I groaned and with delight. "Please me with your magic and fuck me." I said. He let go of my panties and made me sit up and laid me down like in the beginning, he was already hard, he pulled down my panties. " I see, Nerris the cute is already wet with the wedgie I gave her." "You licked me from top to bottom." I said back at him. " I think I need to show payback, for not listening not to suck me." Nerris looked at him and gave a little nervous chuckle, he started licking her pussy, I started to groan. "Oh, you dirty boy." Nerris looked at him, he began to trace her body with his hand. "Let's have some fun." Nerris said.
Preston's (POV)
I was waiting patiently for my two friends, just perfect he thought. Suddenly, Preston saw Harrison's mother with tears and Harrison's father trying to calm her down, he saw Preston looking through the kitchen. Preston turned away quickly pretending to mind his own business. The father went straight to Preston, "I'm sorry, you have to see my wife cry." He began to say. "WELL... I MEAN THERE'S NOTHING WRONG CRYING, I CRY IN SOME OF MY MUSICALS." I said trying to tell the father.  Instead of saying anything else, he went in for the hug for Preston. "UM... THERE... THERE." I said trying to comfort the father, who was ruining my shirt. This is awkward I thought. Things got weirder, the mother came into the room and joined this hug. "Honey, Harrison's door seems to be locked." The mother said wiping away a tear. " I guess he's mad about us asking about William." The father said getting up from hugging Preston. Preston was trying to connect the dots, if Harrison is upstairs with Nerris it means two things... One talking about there problems or fucking. Preston knew he couldn't wait any longer, he headed up the stairs and started banging in different rooms. But, once he found the right door, he opened the door he saw both of his friends under the covers. His eyes went wide... "Um, hello," Nerris said to Preston. "WHAT THE FUCK! I WAITED FOR YOU GUYS FOR A FEW MINUTES AND YOU GO FUCK ONE ANOTHER!" "Sorry?" Harrison said with a shrug. 
(A few moments later)
The three of them were in Preston's car, just silence not saying anything. "AT LEAST HARRISON GAVE YOU CLOTHES!" Preston said sounding all pissed. "Look we already said sorry ok?" Nerris said rolling her eyes. "THIS IS PROBABLY THE 7TH TIME YOU DO THIS! YOU GUYS BROKE UP 4 TIMES ALREADY AND HERE GOES NUMBER 5!" "Preston, we're sorry ok, besides she made the first move!" Harrison said pointing at Nerris. "Oh... I'm sorry you looked adorable with no clothes on, I didn't know you knew how to fuck a girl."Nerris said trying to tease Harrison. "ROMANTIC BUT, DISGUSTING!" Preston said making a turn to the High school. "Sorry, princess after all, after all that practice over the years rolling those dice, it felt good." Harrison teased back at Nerris. Preston pressed on the brake, and said: "WE'RE HERE!"  "TAKE YOUR SHIT AND LET'S GO!" Preston said carrying his stuff. Harrison and Nerris both grabbed their things and headed in different ways. Preston shook his head, "WELL... THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING, BESIDE I'VE SEEN WORSE!" 
(Thank you for reading, want more wait until I add the last characters. Another thing, thanks for ranking me #3 in sexual content out of CAMP CAMP. And lastly, sorry for the long wait. Leave in the comments what else you want :) FuntimeFreddy01 out.) 

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