20. Impulse

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Being in this compound made her nervous.

Not that she thought the superheroes would find them here again, although could anyone really blame her? They'd found the Secret Super Society once before.

But sitting here, in the hub of what looked like an office building, with half the hallways closed off by heavy black security doors, people in lab coats bustling around? It felt like wearing a flashing neon sign across her forehead saying "I AM A SUPERVILLAIN."

She looked around furtively. No one seemed to be paying attention to her, all walking purposefully with so many pairs of boots clicking hurriedly on the floor; where were they rushing to?

She sucked in a breath and tried to find the quiet thrum of energy. Her nerves were so high it took her a few seconds to find it amidst her rapid heartbeat.

She pulled on the energy and looked down at her hand splayed against her thigh. Breathe. She narrowed her eyes, pulling harder. Her heart jumped; the energy flickered.

The skin of her hand started to waver, a green tinge spreading across it—

"Zadia! There you are."

Zadia snatched her hand back. She rocketed to her feet.

Xavier motioned towards a door and Zadia followed, anxious. What if he'd seen that? Not like he'd report her, but she'd rather not increase the amount of people who knew her secret.

Hiding had become so natural to her that anything else made her feel like she was hurtling off a skyline, into the hazy dark below.

Xavier led her to what looked like a lab, several containers of violently colored chemicals bubbling in one corner. Black cabinets locked with several metal locks and bioscans lined one wall.

"I've been meaning to talk to you," Xavier said.

By now the tingly feeling from pulling on her superpowers was fading, and a mist was settling over her mind.

Was it possible that just trying to use her superpower could make her feel so lightheaded and foggy? Maybe she was even worse at this than Kian had thought.

She dug her nails into her palm. "Yes?"

Xavier smiled. His reddish-gold eyes were nearly glowing. They reminded her of the color of her mom's hair, bringing back memories of the strawberry smell.

"I am just wondering how you're doing," he said. "This must be a lot of pressure for you to manage."

"Yeah, it is," she admitted.

Xavier's fingers tapped rhythmically against the table. "And yet you are handling it beautifully. Kian told me about how you rescued Kara from nearly getting caught."

"Thanks," she said sheepishly. Then she frowned. "How much did Kian—"

Xavier held up a hand. "You have no need to worry. Most of us here are undocumented supers; there's no place your secret can be safer."

A sense of unease settled in her gut. But he was right; why would anyone here tell the authorities her secret? She didn't have to be so paranoid, right? She frowned.

"I think you may be ready for more challenging assignments, Zadia," Xavier continued.

She crossed her arms. "Like what?" Sabotaging power plants seemed plenty challenging— and dangerous— enough to her.

"Of course, I'm not suggesting there's no challenges in your current assignment. But I know you want to make a difference, and there are so many ways you can accomplish that. Who knows how many years this planet has left before Smog kills every living being?" He cleared his throat. "With your position at the EPA, you could be very valuable. Political change is just as important— and maybe more suited to your skills than violent measures."

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