37. The Supers' Secret

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A low hum reverberated through the skytrain as it departed from its station. Kara and Zadia were the only two in their wagon.

"You know the plan still?" Zadia said, taking a deep breath.

"Yep." Kara was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet again, unable to keep still. Adrenaline coursed through her body and energy burned in her chest, her hands tingling. She kept looking out the window, though almost nothing was visible through the thick soup of Smog, just hazy orange air.

The skytrain plunged down towards the Lower Levels, making Kara's stomach lurch. They both stumbled. Zadia let go of the handrail and almost fell into Kara. "Uh, sorry," she said, grabbing the rail again.

"Don't be," said Kara, tearing her eyes away from the window. She tried to flash a smile, which probably looked more like a grimace. She stopped bouncing and instead drummed her fingers along the handrail.

"You know, I'm holding you to the super entertainment sector thing. As soon as this is over." Zadia blew dark-red hair out of her eyes, her face dimpling as she smiled.

"Good, 'cause I meant it."

Zadia flashed a quick smile, and then said, "What's your favorite thing to do there?"

"Z, you're trying to distract me! Stop it."

"You need the distraction. You're practically vibrating."

"I am not—"

"Yeah, you are. Like a comm device that keeps getting spam calls."

"I have never—"

"Look, there's still ten minutes left before our stop. Just tell me."

Kara blew out a breath. "You are so stubborn. Okay." She thought about it for a second. "They've got a really advanced VR fighting sim— stop laughing! It's so much fun. You can try out different superpowers. Super-strength is the best one. If I could choose, that's what superpower I'd have."

"Seriously? Strength?"

"Imagine being able to lift a skytrain."

"Uh, why? What situation would that ever be useful?"

Kara shrugged. "Just for kicks. Why, what superpower would you have?"

Zadia chewed her lip thoughtfully. "Maybe controlling fire. That'd be fun."

"'Cause you're fiery."

"And 'cause fire is pretty."

"Like you," Kara said with a smirk.

"Stop teasing me!"

"I'm being serious."

Zadia blushed. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am." Kara took a step closer.

Zadia blinked, startled. Her gaze flickered over Kara's face. "Prove it."

Kara kissed her, and Zadia's breath caught.

Kara felt her heart racing; what if she'd ruined everything? Then Zadia kissed her back, longer this time, placing her hand on the back of Kara's neck. The kiss was warm and sweet, Zadia's lips so soft, her fingers tracing Kara's skin. Surrounding by only the sounds of their breathing and the low, pulsing hum of the skytrain, Kara wished for a moment she could stay in this moment forever.

The skytrain glided to a stop, and the doors slid open. Kara and Zadia exchanged a glance, lingering for a second.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while," Kara said, her voice a whisper.

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