At the end, change cd and just push on play

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I'm not very expert when it comes to relationships, I only had one big story with a boy that still is in my life, as a friend. Well, he was the only man with whom I dreamed a future, one in which we were together.
I've tried so hard to just leave me behind the past and to just behave as I didn't care at all. The only problem is that I've understand, thanks to the time, that my past has made me who I am and I'll never be able to change it. I just can't change all the bad decision that I have made. I'll never change anything because I've learned that I grew thanks to my past. I become a woman that still has trouble with her insecurities, with her self esteem but they don't stop me. For sure, one day I'll look behind everything and everyone that stood next to me and I'll just have to smile because they made me who i am.
I'll be thankful with all of the people that entered in my life, even if that was for a day or for a week, I don't care for how much they stood by me, I just know for sure that I've learned something from them.
Thank you to all the people that knows me.
Good luck to the future me. You deserve the best and I know that you are going to find the best way that will let you get it.

Siamo fatti così.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora