letter : ten

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letter : ten

Dear Anonymous,
You should be flattered. There are very few people that I fear. It's a compliment of some sort, I guess. But I never give compliments, so why did I give you one? I'll have to figure that one out. Whatever . . . I don't need any more on my plate.

But, even though I don't need anymore on my plate, what happened? You seemed to know about bottling emotions up in a way that hints that you've been through that kind before. Have you? Were you, at some point of your life, not a cheesy, romantic, and happy fool? I would be interested in hearing or reading that story.

I guess I've always been interested in knowing people's lives. Especially the part of their lives where they were completely different than who they are right now. I remember my part.

I was such an idiot back then.

I was happy and trustworthy and . . . a fool. Just like you are now. I hate that person, I hate how I lived my life, how I thought life would turn out, my view on life. I hate everything that had anything to do with my old self.

But then again, I can hate all I want of that part of myself all I want. It won't change the truth. I'm clinging onto those things like my life depended on them. Which, in a way my life kinda is.

Sincerely, Kelly


Well, would you look at that? Kelly is opening up!

What did you think of this chapter? Did you like it? There's a big foreshadowing here but I'll keep silent. What do you think of Kelly's opening up? Do you like it? Or do you want her to shut up and save herself from this potential serial killer?

See you next chapter,

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