the man revealed

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lannan pov
im surprised its not that bad here honestly. we just have to wait until elliot gets here and everything should be over with i hope. lets see how he reacts with all of this.

bazz Pov
we are just waiting for Elliott now. we talked to the police and the man asked to see Cassidy alone. shes going to be underwatch but still. "do whatever you want to baby" "okay I'll do it" while im waiting in the waiting area i start looking on twitter. i keep being tagged in photos and i finally clicked on one. it was one of me and Cassidy at the ice cream place. we are so fucked.

Cassidy Pov
i feel scared but i guess its going to be okay with them watching us secretly. i go in. lannan is sitting there. "wait what" "hey there Cassidy what's goin on" im so confused. "i had a mask on and everything so you guys wouldn't know." "why did you.." "because baby i knew about you and bazz. you're a little slut. ive wanted you as my own for a while now." "that doesnt mean you can do that to me lannan what the hell" "oh well. now you can do two things. you can either tell them it wasnt me or you can take me to trial and see how crazy i really can be. the choice is yours" "uhh i dont know.." he kisses me. i push him away from me and run out of the room.

bazz Pov
i see Cassidy come back and she looks like shes upset. "what happened? who was it?" "lannan. he kissed me and threatened me too" "aww baby im sorry" she gets up on my lap and cuddles up to me. shit elliots going to be coming soon. i kiss her. "don't worry no matter what I'm keeping you safe"

Elliott Pov
i walk into the police station and i see Cassidy on Bazz's lap. what the hell. he just kissed her. i walk up to them and play it off like it was nothing. "hey love. im so sorry this ever happened" she gets up and comes hug me. "it was lannan" "what. how" "i dont know. he was wearing a mask so i dont get it." "here lets sit down. tell me everything"

Bazz pov
Elliott hasn't said anything to me yet. i feel.. i dont even know. "Cassidy L" she goes by the cop to go and talk to them. me and elliott are just siting there on our phones. "bazz" "yeah" "do you want to tell me something" he says and shows me the picture going around. "that is a fake picture. honestly" "it better be" i hate this. i really hope elliot doesnt truly find out

Elliott pov
bazz is such a fucking lier. you idiot. i know what i should do sadly. "im going to call cray I'll be back" "hey cray i need you to do something for me." "what is it?" "i need you to hide a camera in someones room" "bazz's?" "yeah. can you?" "sure. I'll have it done by when you get home" "alright thanks. i better get going" "alright good luck"

~i will catch you bazz and you're gonna pay for it~

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