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Elliott Pov
i woke up in the middle of the night. i somehow am on the floor next to the couch. im guessing i must of fell cause my back hurts. i go to get up and im so dizzy i fall back onto the couch. "alright never mind then" i wake up later and im able to go up to my room. i have a massive hangover. i just lay in bed for most of the day. Cassidy came and checked in on me. she was having trouble too. we layed in bed for a while until she went to go get some food. the only people that arent having a total issue is kath and marcus. they are smart drinkers unlike the rest of us.

Bazz Pov
Cassidy went to go check on Elliott. i ended up getting sick and boy do i have a headache. i end up taking a nap to see if it would help. it seemed to but when i woke up i still had a slight headache so i took some pills to try and help. i went down stairs to see cray, kath, and marcus playing mario party. cray is losing and yelling like always. i get some food and go back to my room. i chill and watch some netflix.

Cassidy Pov
i go up by bazz and cuddle with him for a while. we start watching bird box. i guess Elliott must have suspected something he comes up by us. he walks in on us cuddling up next to eachother and kissing. "what the hell are you doing" "elliott.."

bazz Pov
shit. he finally caught us. "elliott.." cassidy starts to say. he comes after me. i stop him "let her explain". "let her explain to me how shes a slut" "let her fucking speak" i say pushing him down. "fine"

Cassidy Pov
"Elliott. i love you but i love bazz too. i want to be with you both and i dont want to hurt either one of you" "so you were just going to cheat on me forever" "no. i was going to tell you. i wanted to wait until i was for sure what i wanted to do." "baby i love you but i dont think i can handle this" "elliot wait" bazz helps me to keep him in the room. "can you fucking not" "no. listen to everything" "Elliott ive talked to bazz about this and how would you feel about a polyamorous relationship?" "um what"

Bazz Pov
"it's where people have multiple intimate relationships" "and you want to do that with me and bazz" "yes., please elliot only you two no one else. i promise" "um i dont know about this" i speak up "elloit im totally okay with all of it. i have been from the start. we will have some rules but i really hope you can do this. shes been trying to decide for a while now. she cares about you. think about it" "okay.. come on Cassidy lets go back to my room" "okay. bye bazz" "bye cass"

~please Elliott don't break her heart. trust me this is a good idea~

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