Not like other Flappers

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I can't remember what happened after I killed that Froggit, it baffles me why I even have the intent of killing at all and that voice that spoke, what did it say again? I was in the guest bedroom of Toriel's house, my head was hurting but that pain was quickly forgotten as I sat up from the bed, feeling my right leg that was shot by the Froggit. The bullet wound is gone. The pain is faint but not as bad as it once was, I felt my thigh from where the bullet was as I tried to contemplate how it healed so fast.

     "Feeling better, dear?"

     I was startled to see Toriel sitting at the desk that was in the corner of the room, she was writing something and hadn't lifted her head up. She stands up as she folded a paper and placed it in an envelope.

     "I'm so sorry for all this trouble you've gone through today, I knew I shouldn't have let you gone out in the ruins with Asriel, those Froggits can get nasty."

     I sit up and pull the covers off of me and still amazed by how my leg healed. Toriel happen to notice my fascination.

     "Oh I forgot to mention that monsters have healing abilities that humans don't have, I wasn't able to fully heal you but I'm sure with the right care you will feel better in about a week."

     "...Thank you, it takes months to heal from a wound like that where I come from."

     Toriel was flattered by my compliment but she quickly shook it off trying to keep her serious demeanor and handed me the envelope.

     "Here, this has the address of my bakery and the flat I arranged for you to stay at, be sure to tell the owner that it's in my name. I never told them that a human would be staying there but as long as you show them my family crest that's on the back of your hand they'll let you in."

     "Wait, what's on the back of my ha—"

     I gasped. There was a dark purple tattoo of a circle with a pair of wings with three small triangles underneath it.

    "What is this!? Why do I have a tattoo on my hand?" I couldn't decide weather to be angry or fascinated.

     "Don't worry it's not a tattoo, it's a temporary protection spell that will prevent any monsters from touching you that have bad intentions."

     "How long does it last?"

     Toriel sighs as if she knew I was going to ask her that exact question.

     "Spells are really difficult for most monsters, the longest it will last is three days, I can also make protection barriers that I have already set up at your flat so no one can break into it, unfortunately those ones only last three days as well."

     I couldn't think of a proper way to thank Toriel for all she has done for me; she let me stay at her house in a nice bedroom, she's fed me, healed my leg, she even went through the trouble of getting me a job at her bakery and a place to live while also ensuring my safety when I leave to Snowdin. There's nothing I can do that could ever pay off her kindness that she's given to a human she's only known for two days.

     "I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me, I just hope I'm not as big of a burden for you and Asriel."

     "Nonsense, you're like a big sister to Asriel."

     I was flattered by Toriel's compliment, I never  thought of myself as a good example to anyone, let alone to a kid. I glance at the clock on the wall and realized how late it was and figured that it must be too late to leave for Snowdin, but I didn't want to be anymore trouble for Toriel. I stand up carefully and tested my leg as I tried walking. I suck in a sharp breath as I felt the muscles straining to keep me up.

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