Falling Into Place

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The beauty never ceases to amaze me. For the last two days I could only find peace in Waterfall's blue flower meadows; every word that came from my mouth was transcribed into the delicate center of every flower that heard my voice, echoing back until they heard something new to voice back. It was almost as if the flowers were gossiping.

     Chara and I have gotten along with each other more than usual. Even though I had no choice but to agree with the Venatores' deal of having their total protection and eventually do some soul check-ups with them, Papyrus was desperate enough to accept my simple request; it was all because of Chara's brilliant plan that guaranteed Sans would stay away from us—although I do wish I was more specific on the term 'out of sight'; even though Sans is no longer allowed near me, I can occasionally feel his stare when i'm out and about in the city. Which is why i'm at Waterfall basking in the soft whispers of echo flowers.

     My eyes lingered on the glistening blue stones that stayed fastened to the vastly towering ceiling of the cave. The stones mimicked the way stars light up in the darkest parts of the world; their miscellaneous patterns shining bright.

     I was beginning to make up my own constellations with the imitating stones but Chara couldn't revel in the silence for another hour.

     Can we do something else that doesn't involve doing nothing, i've been doing it for most of the time i've possessed you.

     I sit up and groan, my back cracked into place as I adjusted my position to sitting up.

     "Why do you always have to remind me that you've taken over my body? How I see it, I took over you more than your pitiful attempts to possess me," Chara grumbles at my remark. "Lets not ruin some form of relation we have now. You're the one who had the idea of keeping Sans away from me indefinitely."

     I suppose you're right, but what if he doesn't keep his end of the deal?

     "Then we'll have to break ties with the Venatores and we both know Papyrus won't let that happen."

     Well I don't like the idea that we're some kind of object that's only valuable for the sake our souls.

     I bit back my words that would form yet another pointless argument with Chara. She wasn't the only one that was thinking this way.

     Hell, i'm surprised that Sans hasn't said anything about me to his brother. Not only do the Venatores have a human willing to take their side, but a human that in fact has two souls, one of which is mine! Do you realize that my soul is literally the culmination of my entire existence, if something happens to it i'll—

     "Chara..." I spoke softly, catching her attention. 

     Her spastic tone reverberated in my mind causing my ears to ring as I rubbed my forehead.

     "I know it was a risk to put our lives in the hands of a mafia, but don't you remember what Sans and Papyrus told us a week ago? They said they're against using human souls for selfish reasons. They're trying to find a way out of this place...just like us."

     Our conversation ended in silence, just like always.

     I stand up from the field, wanting to explore more of Waterfall. I look down from where I was sitting and saw that I had left a spot of matted grass that stayed in the vague form of where I once laid. I stretched and made my way to the edge of the flowerbed carefully as I tried not to step on any of the flowers that covered the ground for what seemed like miles. I finally made it to the edge of the echo flowers where i'm met with the black grass that now became visible that put my tiptoeing to end.

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