Is This Love?

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My head feels light and my vision is blurry, my memory also fuzzy. I sit up and look around and realize that I was no longer in Gaster's laboratory but instead was in a dimly lit room and the sound of an old movie projector was heard in the background. I was in a large bed and saw a chair turned away from me and facing the wall that had what looked like an old silent film rolling. It looked like a film from the surface because all the actors were human. I sat up and watched the film and smiled when the main character fell after doing a silly trick and failing from his own stupidity; it was obviously a comedy. I heard a voice chuckling from the chair and reached over to the small table that had a shot glass and a bottle of alcohol on it and caught a glimpse of that familiar boney hand. 

     Sans poured himself another drink and downed it and a few moments later, as a laugh erupted from him as he continued to watch the film. I was getting into the movie as much as he was but I didn't want him to know that I was awake. Eventually, I couldn't hold back my laughter any longer and I let out a small laugh. Sans heard and turned around in his chair to face me and smiled.

     "enjoying the show, doll?" I nodded and he gestured for me to come closer.  "here, i'll fill ya in on the story..."

     I sit at the foot of his chair and listen to Sans telling me the show is about a boy that works at a movie theater and wants to become a detective but is not really the best at it as he tries to woo the love of his life in the process. Since it was a silent film, Sans and I could easily talk together without interruptions except for the occasional story plot that was in the show. The film was nearing to an end and I was on the edge of my seat...well, more like on the floor. The main character was being chased by some crooks as he balanced on the front of a motorcycle and swerved through traffic of passing cars as he raced to save his lover who was kidnapped. I wasn't paying attention and grabbed onto Sans' leg, I gripped it tighter when it looked like the main character was about to crash but somehow made out alive every time. I was amazed by how reckless movie making was in the twenties when they didn't have much special effects at the time and had to rely with what they had.

     "you okay down there, doll?" Sans says looking at my frantic state.

     "I'm fine, just tense that's all—does the main character save the girl?"I look up to see Sans blushing as I continued to hug his leg.

     "just watch and you'll see." 

     I intently watch the film as a wave of relief came over me when the main character didn't crash and made it just in time to save his girl who was kidnapped. I didn't realize until near the end that Sans was stroking my hair as if he was just as nervous as I was. The awkwardness began to sink in as the main character hugged and kissed his lover at the end and Sans and I both felt tension in the air. 

     The movie finally ended and Sans got up from his seat and began to put the roll of film away in a box next to the projector. He flips on the lights and I squint from the sudden change of lighting, he then carefully puts another film in and began setting up an old record player.

     "this next film actually has music!" Sans says excited. "betcha you haven't seen very many of these!"

     I let out a stifled laugh and Sans looks over at me confused.

     "what's so funny?" He asks.

    "Nothing." I smiled.

     I didn't want to brag to Sans that movies where much nicer on the surface compared to the ones here. He shrugs it off and continues to set up the record player for the next movie but his movements were getting sloppy as he swayed a little more to the left than he should've and topples over to the ground.

Mafiatale Sans x female reader (Possession)Where stories live. Discover now