First Day

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I stood my ground as the figure stepped out into view, it was a monster dressed in a custom tailored dark blue suit along with a fedora. Not much skin was showing—none at all actually, only a pair of skeleton hands and a skull with the most mischievous smile I have ever seen. His vacant eye sockets with white pinpricks as pupils stared into my wide eyes.

     "what's wrong doll? you seem at a loss for words." His smile grew.

     The skeleton takes a cautious step towards me without breaking eye contact but I step back in return.

     "hey now i'm not like those mugs that tried to hurt ya, especially that one who's taken the big sleep over there."

     He pointed to the gang leader he shot who is now half a pile of dust at this point. My stare at the corpse lingered which caught the skeleton's attention.

     "don't worry, he's not comin' back anytime soon, doll."

     "My name isn't "Doll", it's (y/n)." I shot back.

     The skeleton's expression faltered the slightest bit by my sudden change in attitude but altogether ignored my statement. He pulled out a cigar from his suit and stuck it between his teeth, his mouth still in a perpetual smile as he searched for his lighter. He let out a sigh of annoyance.

     "you wouldn't happen to have a light on ya would ya, doll?"

     I put my hands in my coat pockets in search for something I knew I didn't have.

     "Sorry, I don't have a li—"

     My heart skipped a beat and my expression changed from stern to visibly shocked which for some reason pleased the skeleton. I felt something cold and metallic in my left pocket, pulling the object out into view it was a silver lighter with a single initial of the letter "S". I tried to express my confusion and disbelief but my voice simply refused.

     "well, what are you waiting for?" He said with the cigar still in between his teeth

     I look up at the amused skeleton waiting patiently for me to approach him with the mysterious lighter that appeared to be in my pocket this whole time. My steps became more hesitant as I got closer and avoided the skeleton's gaze from little to none. My hands with a slight tremble to them lifted the lighter up to his cigar, the flame illuminating our faces that were five inches apart. We made direct eye contact for a split second and my face turned red but it wasn't from the stinging cold or warmth from the flame, my heartbeat quickened and the skeleton's breathing getting heavier as he felt the same odd tension between us. The skeleton hesitant to let the moment go breaks the silence.

     "thanks doll, but I don't need ya to light my face too." He turns his head away from the flame; preventing his cigar from catching fire.

     "O-oh sorry about that." 

     Realizing that I still had the lighter right where his cigar once was, I tuck it back into my pocket feeling embarrassed by the entire situation i'm stuck in.

     I take a step back as I awkwardly avoid staring at the skeleton who puffed his cigar and let the smoke travel out of his nose (or lack thereof one). He then takes the cigar out from his teeth, resting it in between his index and middle finger on his left hand. I couldn't bare the silence any longer as I tried to make small talk with him.

     "So, who exactly are you?"

     Before I could get a response, a police siren was heard very closely from the alleyway that the skeleton and I were still in from when that gang jumped me. I turn and saw flashing red and blue lights hitting the entrance of the alleyway and heard the familiar voice of Undyne and her crew that picked her up shortly after she offered to walk me to my flat. 

Mafiatale Sans x female reader (Possession)Where stories live. Discover now