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1:57 am

she grabbed her coat from the back room before snatching her backpack off the floor behind the counter.

it was a little unusual for a convenience shop to only stay open until 2am but it was all per choice of the owner, so she grabbed her phone, stuffed it into her jacket pocket, flicked the light switch off in the room and headed towards the door.

opening the glass barrier, she turned around again to lock it and stuffed the keys into her jacket beside her phone. she spun around and made her way down the two concrete steps before stepping onto the sidewalk.

she looked to her left and to her right despite there being practically nobody out at this hour and crossed the street.

a few feet from the other side of the crosswalk was a music store that still had a few lights on and looking in the window she could see a radio sign the said 'on-air' but before she could look closer, it was turned off.

she kept walking in the other direction to get back to her dorm and by the time she made it there, the exhaustion of her day had caught up as well.

she unlocked the door and like many times before contemplated not doing anything and just flopping into bed but then she realized that this probably wouldn't have been a problem seeing as she didn't have any morning classes the next day.

so, she fished her phone out of her pocket, slipped off her jacket, changed into some comfortable clothes, washed up, and made her way back to her bed to sleep.

but not before setting an alarm for 9 am and pinning the playlist to her pin board.

tomorrow she planned to make the same playlist on her phone so that she could use it and a little speaker to play music, but for now, she just wanted sleep.

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