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8:47 am

“like, date date?” hoseok asked for probably the fourteenth time.

“yes, hobi. a date date. the same thing i told you already, numerous times.” the younger replied.

“and you said yes?” the older shot back, causing the younger to groan.

“how many times do i need to explain things to you. you’re like a human black hole where i tell you things but i can never seem to get you to find them in your brain and remember them. but, to answer your question for the eighth time, yes. we are meeting for dinner tonight. on a date. and i’m kinda nervous. we haven’t really spoken in a while. should i bring her flowers or is that too much?” the younger boy was over the moon when he had gotten home the night before.

he had made his way back to his dorm with an abnormal skip in his step but didn’t want to wake up hoseok so he slipped inside silently and did his best not to trip over his roomates clothes on the floor before flopping onto his bed and falling asleep to the best of his ability with a grin on his soft-featured face.

the next morning he couldn’t help but lunge onto the older's bed right when he was waking up and hug his blanket covered body like a koala.

the older groaned at the weight of the muscled younger on his back and cursed before wiggling around in his hold trying to break free and sleep a bit longer. jungkook remained in his position until he began talking and rolled to the side, almost falling flat on his face from the side of the twin bed.

he first thanked hoseok for making him go to the convenience shop, then explained what she’d asked him.

hoseok, being a normal college student relished in every moment of sleep he could get and was drifting in and out of sleep until he was attacked again by what could only be considered human cling wrap as the younger rolled over again, this time on top of his roommate and once again laid on his back, but this time like a starfish.

the older groaned again and jabbed his elbow around to nudge the boy off of him, to no avail. giving in to the younger, hobi asked him to repeat what he’d said moments before.

after hearing what he missed the first time, the older was quick to shove jungkook off his back and into the wall before turning to look at the younger and grab both his cheeks, squishing them both together like a fish with this sleep fatigued hands before smiling like the sun and asking if this was really happening.

the younger had nodded before prying his roommates hands off his face and scooting over to the other side of the bed to hop off and make his way to the bathroom.

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