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2:32 am

the sleepiness that blanketed the boy was clearly visible as his eyelids struggled to remain open and the key in his hand seemed to poke every part of the doorknob that wasn’t where the keyhole was located.

finally unlocking the door to his dorm, he stumbled inside the room, kicked his shoes off and made his way to the squeaky bed where a tangle of navy blue sheets sat.

dropping his jacket and umbrella on the floor next to his desk, he stared at the bed, blinking a few times while arguing in his head whether it was worth it to just skip washing his face and brushing his teeth but his conscience got the best of him as he realized how much he hated the unnecessary amount of guilt he felt after waking up to an oily face and even worse than normal morning breath.

shuffling over to the bathroom, he flipped the light on, then as if he was a vampire in the sun, quickly flipped the light back off after deciding it was too bright for so late in the evening and his eyes were too tired to adjust, so he brushed his teeth and washed his face in the dark.

after changing into a cleaner shirt and some sweatpants, he somehow managed to half roll/half flop himself onto his bed, the springs screeching in protest.

digging around the pile of sheets, he located his phone and once again acted like a vampire to the brightness of the screen before swiping it down to the lowest setting and making sure his alarms were set for his classes in the morning.

groans were heard from the other bed in the room where his older roommate was sleeping. a rough and barely understandable voice came from the person,

“jungkookie? what time is it?”

“it’s around 2:30 am. just go back to sleep.”
the younger replied in an equally gravelly voice.

“kook,” hoseok rolled around to face the younger, eyes still mostly closed while he quietly spoke, “come home earlier next time, you have morning classes and you need sleep, i don’t want you falling asleep in them.” his words were mostly slurred with sleep but the younger got the gist of what he was saying.

“i will.”

jungkook appreciated how much hoseok cared for him but felt bad for waking him up so decided to leave it at that, not wanting to keep him up any longer to explain what he had been doing still out instead of coming home when he normally did.

detangling his sheets and blanket, he finally laid down and within seconds of fully shutting his nearly closed already eyes, sleep had drowned him.  

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