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There were even more people inside, sitting in the pews of the church. And on the alter there was a goth looking guy with a long black coat reading by a candle. Was he a preist? Was this a cult?

Shalnark patted me on the head. "Chrollo wants to talk to you," he said, pointing at the goth guy.

"Who's Chrollo?" I said.

"That guy," he said, keeping on pointing at the goth guy.

"The one with the book?" I asked wanting to make sure.

"Yeah," he said.

"Ok thanks." I started to walk over to Chrollo. I didn't really like the vibes I got from him. His outfit was so cringe and he looked like a christian. He looked up at me with his eyes and smiled creepily.

"Melissa," he said.

"Damn your breath tho!!" I said, covering my nose with my hand.

"You should pay more respect to the boss," said a short girl with pink hair that had come up next to him.

"It's okay Machi, I'm used to being disprespected," Chrollo said sighing.

"Tch," said Machi.

He looked at me again, and I was genuinely concerned. His unnaturally large eyeballs were bulging out of his skull like a hamster when you hold it upside down.

"I wou;d like to formally invite you to join the Phantom Troupe."

I assumed that was the cult thing they had going on. "Uhh why?" I asked confused, why would they want me? I'm just...Melissa. There's nothing that special about me. I have brown hair and boring brown eyes. I don't have very many friends, never had a boyfriend, and even my mom doesn't like me that much. This was probably just some prank.

"Well" said Chrollo, "If you kill one of our members you can join, and you killed Kortopi so.."

I started cry. I didn't want to keep reminded about that!! "It was just an accident!" I cried.

"Doesn't matter," said Chrollo. "Either way you killed him and he's dead. You can't change the past you just have to accept it."

That was really deep. I wiped my eyes and sniffed up my snot. "Thank you I really needed to hear that. But I still don't even know what the phantom troupe even is."

"We do crimes," Chrollo explained.

I don't know if I wanted to join anymore. I mean I didn't really like doing crimes? But I had committed so many felonies during the past few days I doubted I could ever live a normal lifestyle again. It was just like Chrollo said, you can't change the past you just have to accept it. I was a criminal now whether I liked it or not. And it was better to have a support group of other criminals than to face the anti-crime community on my own. "Then I'll join," I said confidently.

"Cool," said Chrollo, smiling and reaching out his hand for me to shake it, but it looked moist so I didn't.

Machi narrowed her eyes at me. "Boss, are you sure we can trust her? She won't even shake your hand."

"Yeah cause it looks gross!" I said indignatly.

"All you gotta do to join is kill one of the current members so. Yeah," said Chrol.

"I'm sorry but that's literally the stupidest rule you've ever made up. An enemy could join just because they killed one of us. Did you forget what happened with Hisoka?"

Chrollo scrunched up his short eyebrows and scrathed his chin. He was quiet in thought for a moment. "It be like that sometimes," he said finally.

Machi rolled her eyes. "I don't trust her," Machi said.

"Well your instincts are usually right... But im just gonna pretend like I didn't hear any of that."

"Can I go now," I said.

"Sure," said Chrollo. "but I wouldn't leave the hideout for a while since the police are probly still looking for you. Make yourself at home though, there's some raisins in the kitchen if you're hungry."

A/N please like and comment :)

Running from the Feds - Phantom Troupe x OCWhere stories live. Discover now