Chapter 1

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Riverkit's POV

Riverkit tumbled out of the nursery and into the camp clearing, her littermates following behind her. It was a warm greenleaf day. Most of the warriors were already out on patrol, hunting, or training apprentices, while those who were on the dawn patrol were just returning. The camp clearing was mostly deserted, save for the warriors that had just gotten back from the dawn patrol and the few elders who were sunning themselves outside.

When the 4 littermates were all out of the nursery, they found themselves face to face with 3 kits who were larger and obviously older than them.

Their names were Sunkit, a light ginger tom, Echokit, a Calaco she kit and Sparkkit, a golden tabby she kit. Their apprentice ceremonies were going to be held today and they were very excited. Perhaps, a little too excited.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE APPRENTICES!!!" they cheered.

"We know!" Riverkit laughed while her brother Mistykit, who was right behind her, just roled his eyes.

Mistykit had always been a little grumpy at times but when he wasn't, he's a great friend and brother. He was always protective over his sisters which would annoy them at times. Nevertheless, they loved him all the same.

"Hey, you'll save us a spot in the apprentice's den for when we become apprentices right?" Silverkit asked.

"Of course we will!" Sparkkit exclaimed.

A ginger tabby suddenly came up to them and ushered the 3 older kits away, most likely to be groomed for there apprentice ceremonies. Her name is Flameshade, a very kind and loving queen, and a great warrior too. She had a brother named Lionclaw, whom Riverkit had noticed, had been coming to the nursery and talking to her mother a lot.

Speaking of Lionclaw, Riverkit and her littermates spotted him and their mother sharing tongues outside the nursery. They looked on curiously, deciding on wether or not they should approach them. Eventually, their mother noticed them and beckoned them over with a flick of her tail. They eagerly went up to her and sat down in front of her.

"Kits, there is something I've been meaning to tell you", their mother mewed, a serious expression on her face. The only thing that betrayed her seriousness though were her twitching tail and her eyes which seemed to sparkle with an emotion that Riverkit couldn't quite put her paw on.

"Yes mother?" Mistykit asked tilting his head in confusion.

"Are we in trouble? I swear, I didn't do anything this time", Silverkit mewed, staring up at her mother with wide, innocent eyes.

Riverkit and Icekit just stayed silent, with there heads tilted to the side in question.

Their mother, Streamfur, laughed and licked Silverkit's head. "No, you aren't in trouble."

"Then what is it then?" Silverkit asked curiously.

Streamfur took in a deep breath before answering. "Lionclaw and I are mates."

Mistykit's, Silverkit's and Icekit's eyes widdened. Riverkit however, didn't seem surprised, not even the slightest.

"Really?!" Silverkit exclaimed.

Streamfur just nodded, her whiskers twitching in amusement.

"Does that mean he's like our father now?" Riverkit asked, hope in her eyes.

Lionclaw smiled down at the 3 moon old silver she kit. "If you want me to be your father, then I'll be your father."

The 4 kits bounced around excitedly, bright smiles on there faces. They ran off to find the other kits and tell them the news.

"LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY, GATHER HERE BENEATH THE HIGHOAK FOR A CLAN MEETING", a loud yowl sounded from the oak tree in the middle of camp.

Everycat looked up from what they were doing and started to gather.

Streamfur ushered her kits back to the nursery and sat down at the entrance to watch.

"The time has come for a new warrior to be made. Kestrelpaw, please step forward", the loud voice of the clan leader, Sagestar, rang throughout the clearing.

A brown tom stepped out of the crowd and stood in front of the leader.

"I, Sagestar, leader of BlazeClan call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn. Kestrelpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" the leader asked.

"I do", the brown tom answered, without hesitation.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Kestrelpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Kestrelstorm. StarClan honors your kindness and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of BlazeClan", Sagestar meowed, pride shining in her eyes.

She rested her muzzle on his head, and he licked her shoulder respectfully. He took a step back, and watched as the clan cheered his new name.

"Kestrelstorm! Kestrelstorm! Kestrelstorm!" the clan cheered. For some reason, Riverkit found herself cheering very loudly despite not knowing the tom personally. When she noticed, she immediately became flustered.

Sagestar waited patiently for the cheering to die down before continuing. "It is also the time for 3 kits to be made apprentices. Sunkit, Echokit and Sparkkit, please step forward."

The 3 kits stepped forward, facing the leader. Riverkit could tell that they were very, very excited now.

"Sunkit, you have reached the age of 6 moons, therefore it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Sunpaw. Your mentor will be Copperflame. I hope Copperflame passes down all he knows unto you", she meowed. She then faces the croud and flicks her tail for Copperflame to come forward. He came up to the front, a little shocked and surprised.

"Copperflame, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Darkrain, and have shown yourself to be kind and patient. You will be the mentor of Sunpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him", the leader continued.

Sunpaw and Copperflame walked up to each other and touched noses.

The ceremony continued on in the same fashion until both Echopaw and Sparkpaw were apprenticed and had gotten their mentors. Echopaw's mentor was a tom named Swiftfoot, and Sparkpaw's was a she cat named Littlewing.

At the end of the ceremony, Icekit leaned in close to her littermates and whispered "That will be you 3 someday."

The three were all confused.

"What do you mean 'you three'?" Mistykit asked.

"You're not becoming an apprentice?!" Silverkit exclaimed.

Icekit laughed. "A Warrior apprentice? No. A medicine cat apprentice? Yes."

The three looked relieved, yet disappointed at the same time.

Warriors: The Rising River Book #1: An Untold SecretWhere stories live. Discover now