Chapter 5

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       3rd Person POV

The BlazeClan camp was in chaos. The battle still hadn't stopped, and looked like it wouldn't for a while. Blood and fur were scattered everywhere, and yowls of pain or triumph pierced the air.

At the edge of the camp clearing, close to the entrance, stood a light gray and white she cat. She was glancing around frantically, as if trying to spot something amongst the writhing masses of fur, limbs, teeth and claws. When it seemed like she couldn't find what she was looking for, she started pacing, glancing at the camp entrance every now and then.

"Where is he?" she thought exasperatedly.

While she was pacing, a dark gray patched white she cat came up to her.

"Waterbreeze.. What's wrong? Where's Kestrelstorm?" the she cat asked.

Waterbreeze looked up to see her leader's worried expression. "That's exactly it, he isn't back yet", she answered.

"Oh no", the gray patched leader meowed worriedly under her breath.

"I'm going to go after him", the light gray and white she cat proposed.

Her leader only nodded before leaping back into the fray.

Waterbreeze turned towards the camp entrance, ready to head out, when suddenly she was tackled to the ground. She rolled over, getting her attacker off of her. Standing up immediately, she looked in front of her to see her attacker standing there. It was a pale blue she cat. She snarled furiously, before lunging at her. The two she cats met each other head on, both trying to gain control of the other.

"Out of all the times I could've been attacked, it had to be now. Great! Just my luck", Waterbreeze thought sarcastically as she avoided another blow to the cheek by her enemy. But when she was just about to give up hope that Kestrelstorm would arrive with some help, seven cats dashed in through the camp entrance. Most of them immediately jumped into battle except for one.

A light brown tom approached her. "We're here. Sorry it took so long", he called.

"At least you're here now", she called back, ducking from another blow to the head while at the same time, going for her attacker's legs.

The tom said no more and just lept into the battle.

The light brown tom found himself at the other side of the clearing, fighting off a spotted white tabby tom. Beside him was a long legged pale gray and white she cat who was battling a light gray tom.

For some reason, the light brown tom noticed that his opponent's attacks were...hesitant. Like he wanted no part in the attack. He could see that the tom was clearly skilled in battle, but because of his hesitance, he was going easy.

"I wonder what's up with him?" He thought.

A couple of scratches later, the spotted tabby was sent running off, suspiciously looking more relieved than scared or angry.

A pale gray and white she cat found herself pinned under a light gray tom. She struggled to get herself free of him, but her attempts were proving to be fruitless as the tom was much stronger than her. As she was about to give up, she found that the weight on top of her suddenly vanished. She scrambled back up to her paws before looking around. She found her former opponent at it with a tawny tom.

"Owlfeather!" she called, rushing up to his side.

"Yeh?" he answered.


"No problem."

"I could've been crowfood without you you know."

"I know."

By the end of that conversation, the she cat found herself beside her apparent savior, only to find a dark ginger she cat lunging for her. She knocked her out of the air, but managed to send both of them rolling on the ground, snapping at each other while they were at it. By the time that both of them managed to get themselves back on their paws, the young she cat heard her name being called.


The she cat looked around. She saw Owlfeather looking at her. "Yeh?" she answered.

"I know this is a very bad timing, but..." the tom cut himself off, attempting to avoid his light gray opponent's claws, but still ending up getting a scratch on the shoulder.

"Go on", Meadowcloud urged, trying not to get distracted from her fighting by their conversation.

"I love you!" the tom blurted out.

Meadowcloud was stunned. But before she could do anything, her opponent took advantage of her distracted state and pinned her to the ground. The dark ginger she cat raised a paw over her throat.

"This is it", the pale gray and white she cat thought. "I'm going to die."

She closed her eyes and prepared for it all to be over. But just when she thought the blow would come down on her, it didn't. Instead, she heard an ear piercing yowl of a "RETREAT!"

She opened her eyes and looked up to see the dark ginger she cat looking very exasperated and annoyed.

"I swear, that Tulip is a wimp", the rogue grumbled under her breath, only loud enough for Meadowcloud to hear.

The rogue she cat bit her ear one last time before getting off of her and running out of camp, following the other rogues. The less injured clan cats chased after them while the badly injured ones who couldn't get up lay bleeding, moaning and groaning in pain on the ground, except for one.

"THUNDERFLAME!" a dark brown tabby she cat yowled, running towards an unmoving dark gray tabby body on the ground.

A white tom slipped out of camp and glanced around. While they were chasing the rogues out, he noticed something in the bushes, so he decided to go and investigate.

He sniffed around and caught a heartbreakingly familiar scent. He followed it towards a clump of bushes and gasped. When he saw a Golden brown and black tail disappear behind one of the bushes, something in his mind clicked.

"Thornbriar!" he whispered softly.

Author's Note:
Sorry if this is really confusing. And also, does anyone have an idea of what's going on here? Why on earth are we spying on cats fighting? What's up with the spotted tabby? Why did a certain tom suddenly confess in the middle of a battlefield? And who on earth is Thornbriar?

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