Chapter 5 | My Illusion

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As they have said "Beauty depends on the eyes of the beholder" it's debatable, but people has come to accept it. People also say that in each side of a single coin, conveys a story. Life is an Illusion, a test for what we do here, will soon be realized when we pass on.

"It's up to you 
  To take life seriously or not,
  After all nobody gets out alive"

The world itself is even separated, from the poor and the rich, the weak and the strong. People believe in equality, but that is only an illusion. With the world treating each other like this, then we are never equal, we are never free from this illusion, we can only find equality in the end. It doesn't matter if you are a rich girl, a poor beggar, a scary beast or a terrifying creature, we are all equal in the eyes of the reaper.

People can often be judgmental, sometimes they are trying to bring you down.

"If people are trying to bring you down
   It only means that you are above them"

There are lots of illusion in this world, one famous example is "Time". Often I see people on their boring days, looking at the clock expecting the day to be over quick but let me explain to you what time really is:

"Time is slow, when you wait!
   Time is fast, when you are late!
   Time is deadly, when you are sad!
   Time is short, when you are happy!
   Time is endless, when you are in pain!
   Time is long, when you feel bored!
   Every time, time is determined by your 
   Feelings and your psychological conditions and
   Not by clocks.

Illusions always come to us and it will never leave, it is only up to us to accept or to deny such illusions and only look forward to what is real to you. Right now I am busy fighting my own demons, fighting my own mind. I wore a mask for so long, I almost forgot who I really was. I tell all of you about my story, to make you understand what I see in my point of view. If you are really reading this, then maybe you can understand a few things about the world, things that are not visible to us, but we feel it not by touch, but by heart.

"Time, decides who you meet in life,
   Your Heart, decides who you want in life,
   And your Behavior, decides who stays in your life"

There are also some people who said that life is a game, but with no reset button. Some also said that life is like drawing art, but without using an eraser. There are lots of things to describe what life really is, and I agree. But despite these illusions and chaos that are all over the world, there are still others who help those who are blind, blind enough to not see the reality, help them lift their heads up and help them carry the burden that was on their shoulders.

"A tight hug can do so much
  For someone that's hurting" 

People can break these illusions easily, with or without companions. But when it comes to love, escaping isn't that easy, or should I say, there is no escape at all. Especially when you found someone that is special to you and you won't even let go of that person. Despite him or her being in love with someone else not you, yet you still wait for her. Being there for her times of sorrow and need, being there for her or his shoulder to cry on.

"The Stars shone it's way to the sky
   But your light shined it's way into my heart".   

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