Chapter 2 | My Patience

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In my days spending with her, I just don't feel happiness, I also feel sorrow. Not because of the fact that she is with someone else, but the fact of how I am still holding on, like a needle on a thread. I know some people's response would be like "Move On" or "Get Over It", but my heart chose it's path and this is the path that it had chosen.

A couple of months had passed by and I have received the most shocking news that I have heard yet, coming from her. She chatted me through Facebook and she wrote "We're Done", I was confused on what she was saying and I replied "What Do You Mean?" And the what comes next blew my mind and I did not expect this to happen at all "My Boyfriend and I broke up" she chatted me. Now I know some people out there, when you have receive news that the person you have a crush on had a huge breakup with her boyfriend, some of you will feel happy and some of you feel sad. I am one of those person who feel sadness when a thing like this happens.

For some girls, a breakup is devastating causing them to think of inflicting pain to their own body and worse suicide, others find it to set themselves free, free from clutches of a hard relationship. But the girl that I am chatting with right now feels devastated and I am trying my best on that day. To cheer her up or basically doing everything I could to comfort her, because remember:

"Your face isn't a mask, don't hide it
Your height isn't a book, don't judge it
Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it
Your life isn't a movie, don't end it."

After their breakup, I am surprised on how this girl is still smiling towards her friends. I guess that is one of the reasons why I like her, despite her scars showing, and all I have to say is that her smile hides a million thoughts and her eyes like the ocean filled with sorrow and that's what makes her strong despite all that negativity she had faced. There is one thing I know about relationship that truly hurts especially during confessions, did you know that:

"I Love You is not the most beautiful sentence
It's I Love You Too
Because everyone got to say the first
And only few heard the other"

Now that you have read that. I am hoping that line will prove useful to you in the nearby future. Just weeks from their breakup, I notice someone, and that someone seems to be so close to this girl which is her classmate which is a section different from my mine, and I see this boy giving all he can to get that one girl's heart, but that boy never succeeded on getting the girl's heart, for her heart was won by another man. In a few days I went to him and said "It never stops hurting does it?" Whilst he is observing the two couples "What?" He replied. "Giving the best of you and watching them choose someone else." He didn't say anything after that, he just picks off and leave to get some snacks and I proceeded back to my classroom, also to enjoy my break time. Somehow I found myself in awe on how that guy was able to wait but I understand him truly because:

"I hate waiting
But if waiting means being able to be with you
I'll wait as long as forever just for you."

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