Chapter 4

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I woke up to find myself on a bed in the middle of a bright room.

My eyesight was blurred and my head was pounding from the drug that was beginning to wear off, very slowly I might add.

As I adjusted myself I saw that I was in a large bed with a deep red duvet. The walls were also red but lighter than the bed. The only other furniture was the small oak table on my left and the door to what I suspect to be either a bathroom or walk in wardrobe. I was a large room and looked very empty, which made me all the more worried.

Where am I?

I wondered to myself knowing that my answer would probably come soon.

I was tucked under the covers and as I started to emerge I noticed that I was naked. A hot red flush rose to my cheeks as I realized someone must have undressed me, but who?

And then it all came back to me, the face of none another than Moriarty himself. The man back from the grave to once again haunt my every thought and dream.

I was not surprised.

Not in the least.

If Sherlock was able to fake his death, with the help of me and Mycroft then Moriarty definitely had the people and resources to fake his too.


Oh god I hope he's okay. If Moriarty has laid a finger on him I will personally-

A letter on the bedside table caught my eye as I quickly picked it up, shuddering as I recognized the writing.

My dearest Molly,


Jim here. 

Dress nice, dinner is at 6.


I scowled in disgust as I read the letter.

I do not know how blinded I must have been to ever go out with him.

The late night outings, the mysterious people visiting his flat, the loud phone calls, and yet I was to consumed by Sherlock to even notice.

I looked at the clock in the middle of the wall in front of me.


I walked over to the door, hoping that it would be a wardrobe, and I was right.

I opened the door to enter a massive walk in wardrobe with a wall of many shoes and two racks of nothing but dresses.

I scanned the dresses and picked out the least slutty one I could find.

I slipped it on carefully, making sure that the fabric stayed intact.

It was long and the same colour red as the walls, it was figure hugging and exaggerated my small curves. It was one shouldered, and to my disliking had a slit which came to just below my hips. My legs were pale so I never like to show them off, although I never really liked to show any of my body off.

I slipped on a pair of red stilettos, stumbling all over the place because of their height. I slid open the second draw of the bedside table to find a draw full of makeup.

I didn't bother with much, not feeling the urgent need to impress my kidnapper, just a bit of red lipstick and mascara. I let my hair fall in its natural straight style down my rather bare back and once satisfied, looked again to the clock, not wanting to be late, for I could only imagine the consequences if I were.


I exited through the door to come to a long hallway, I looked down both ways guessing for there to be around 10 rooms on this one floor. A large staircase led downstairs and I descended it slowly, trying not to slip and wondering how tonight's dinner would play out.

Would he try to poison me?

Maybe he could send me home?

What if I have to stay here forever?

My thoughts stopped as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I had to compose myself. Tonight, I could not be the mousy Molly everyone knows and uses, I am going to be strong independent Molly, the girl who can stand up to Sherlock and act bravely around Moriarty.

My large heels clicked loudly until I came to a room guarded by a large man. He was dressed in all black and had an ear set, which was also black.

"Miss Molly Hooper?"

He asked me with a deep voice which would normally scare me, but not when someone like Moriarty was in the same house.


"The boss is expecting you,"

He stated as he opened the double doors revealing a large dining room, with a long oak table and red place settings.

Wow, Moriarty really likes red. The colour of blood. The word blood making me shiver in my step. As I walked through the doors I soon came face to face with the man sitting at the end of the table, elbows placed either side of him and a smirk on his face as he looked me up and down.

"Hello, Moriarty,"

Sherlock's POV

I couldn't move. 

I just stood there stark still, not believing what had just happened.

Molly Hooper had just said... no to me?

Thoughts ran through my mind as I steepled my fingers in front of my face. Why was this upsetting me so much? It's not like I... love her or anything I mean, that why I couldn't say it because I don't,

I kept on telling myself that, but the more I said it, the less realistic the reason became. I ran quickly out of the small apartment, not bothering to close the door. There have not been any robberies in this area for the past 3 years.

I ran as fast as my legs would carry me  through the cold London streets, pondering which way she would have gone. 

There is a slight frost on the ground therefore footprints should be visible.

Aha there around size 4 shoes, heading left.

I followed them as far as I could until they stopped. Thats strange, the stop in the middle of nowhere, an empty street with no shops, pubs nothing.

Think, Sherlock, think!

Her footprints stop, but there are two pairs of bigger footprints leading to the road. They stop as the curb comes and skid marks are left on the road showing the need of a quick getaway.



John, tell evryone to come to 221b now.


Why whats wrong?


It's Molly.


What did you  do this time?


I think she's been kidnapped.


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