Chapter Eighteen

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Daryl's Pov

After saving Carol and getting back to the road with the group, I joked around but.. She wasn't there goddamnit! I held back my anger as everyone hugged and got all happy and dandy. I clench my fist while staring at the incoming walker. I shot it and sighed, Rick seemed to see my annoyance. "I-I saw her go down." His eyes stared at the ground. "She was worried about my safety, and forced me up the ladder. The lighter slipped and she was engulped in flames.. I tried man.."

I met his gaze and nodded. "Well you forgot about the part where I kicked ass." We all turned around to see Raven leaning up against my bike with a cool smile. Glenn, T-Dog, and Carl instantly engulfed her. Rick walked up and hugged her as well. I stared at her in shock. Then looked at the ground, tryna act all cool but failing when I saw her stand in front of me smirking. "Hey Dixon, don't I get a hug?"

When I shook my head with a smile, she smiled and jumped up, wrapping her arms around my neck. I glanced at Rick and T-Dog, who were smiling like idiots, as my arms slowly encased her. She held me close, whispering in my ear. "You're still an ass Dixon." She smiled and pulled away, hugging little Sophia. Rick looked out at the road. "Alright, lets head out." We all nodded and got in our vehicles. Raven looked around, kinda panicked, at the already formed groups fit for travel.

I whistled a low three tone whistle, her whistle. She turned towards me with a confused stare. I turned my body so that my back was to her, but my head was turned so that I could watch her out of the corner of my eye. She smiled and jogged over, getting on the bike. I couldn't hold back the smile as her hands slowly glided to wrap around my waist, her face and chest pushing up against my back.

We pulled out and I felt her grip loosen, I glanced back and saw her eyes facing the road. I looked ahead and took a hand off my handle to hold hers. She flinched but squeezed back slightly.

"So what happened to the kid?" She didn't respond instantly, but her grip tightened slightly. "Shane let him loose. He let him believe he was helping so that he could kill him and get to Rick but.. We handled it."

I nodded, moving my bike through the cars. "Sorry I didn't believe ye when ye said ye didn't do it. I was mad." She rested her head on my shoulder, her voice small. "It was for the group right? We're good."

I chuckled at the statement, feeling as if she'd never went missing. It was like she was by my side the whole time.

As long as I had this girl with me, I could never lose hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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